Digtizing Classes/seminars/workshops/training???

Hi. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I have had the embird software for over a year and have recently purchased corel drawings X3. I'm pretty good with embird and I'm figuring out the basics with drawings. I would really love to expand my digitizing knowledge. I'm especially interested in color blending, fringe designs, and applique. To learn this, I will need to attend some training sessions. The problem is, I have no idea where to find them. I live on the east coast, but will travel within the U.S. I've e-mailed numerous digitizers asking who offers training of this sort and they either don't reply, or they tell me this info is a "trade secret". I didn't realize the classes were top secret! I know of a digitizer who attended a digitizing seminar in san francisco last year, but of course she won't share who offered it. This is really frustrating. If anyone here can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

HI Maddie,
I would be happy to help but my expertise is restricted to Wilcom software. I can prepare a video demonstrating color blending in Wilcom if it would be any help. Basically it is an area of fill (tatami) stitching of one colour overlayed with another colour with decreasing density. I guess you already worked that out and it is really the how of it you are interested in. Please let me know and I will prepare a short video of how this is done in Wilcom if you wish and post it to our site at Logopunch.



John Wright

Yeah that is a problem when it comes to embroidery, people are not so willing to give you something for nothing. I went through the same thing. Believe it or not, there are some tutorials on the net to teach you applique, 3d puff, etc,that is how I first learned.

Thanks for your replies. I guess there's really nowhere to receive training. I know a lot is learned on your own, but it sure helps to have the basics shown to you. The littlest thing can throw you way off track.

I did come across the video training series. I think I'm going to order that. It couldn't hurt anything, that's for sure.

Does anyone here use Corel draw X3? I'm having an issue right now that's driving me crazy!!! I'm sure it's something very simple to fix, I just can't figure it out. I have clipart that has 15 or so colors in it. When I vectorize the clipart, I combine similar colors to reduce color changes. I'll get my art down to 7-8 colors. I then open the art in drawings, and the stitches look absolutely perfect. When I open that "perfect looking" design in editor, wings modular, and even in embird, it is a royal mess. There are 80+ color changes. The same object will be set to stitch 3 times in 3 different colors even though I changed the colors in draw. I'm spending way more time trying to clean up my stitched drawings designs than it takes me to trace the artwork in embird manually. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would really appreciate it. There are very few tutorials to go on, and not a single one of them shows a conversion between the artwork and embroidered stitches.

Maddie0122, I just joined the group today and saw your message that was posted in March. Did you ever figure out what your problem was? If not, you should make sure you do not have "overprint" feature being used. Using overprint causes additional colors to be created when objects overlap. And if you don't set you view to Enhanced With OverPrint you will not see these additional colors-but they will print (and stitch out). I don't know if this will help, but it's worth a try. Below is where you can set overprint in CorelDrawings. More info can be found in Help.

To overprint selected objects
1. Select an object.

2. Click Edit, and choose any of the following:

• Overprint outline

• Overprint fill

• Overprint bitmap

Good luck!

maddie0122 wrote:
Thanks for your replies. I guess there's really nowhere to receive training. I know a lot is learned on your own, but it sure helps to have the basics shown to you. The littlest thing can throw you way off track.

I did come across the video training series. I think I'm going to order that. It couldn't hurt anything, that's for sure.

Does anyone here use Corel draw X3? I'm having an issue right now that's driving me crazy!!! I'm sure it's something very simple to fix, I just can't figure it out. I have clipart that has 15 or so colors in it. When I vectorize the clipart, I combine similar colors to reduce color changes. I'll get my art down to 7-8 colors. I then open the art in drawings, and the stitches look absolutely perfect. When I open that "perfect looking" design in editor, wings modular, and even in embird, it is a royal mess. There are 80+ color changes. The same object will be set to stitch 3 times in 3 different colors even though I changed the colors in draw. I'm spending way more time trying to clean up my stitched drawings designs than it takes me to trace the artwork in embird manually. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would really appreciate it. There are very few tutorials to go on, and not a single one of them shows a conversion between the artwork and embroidered stitches.

SunEmbroidery's picture

Have you checked out Thomas Moore at Strawberry Stitch?


He has online classes and educational materials including the very popular Digitizing 101 reference book. He also is a certified Corel Draw instructor. I've taken classes from him at ISS Atlantic City & he is good.

You might also want to check out ISS Rhode Island:
