By dangig on
Oct. 30, 2008
ive been looking at a new tajima and a new barudan. any feedback between the both of them
which one is better??.. i only have older machines a little scared to buy a new one but im going to try it out but i need some feedback about which one is better new.
Re: dilemma
If those were my only choices... IF... the I would vote for the Tajima. Much easier for me to unload a Tajima in this area than a Barudan if something happens. And the techs in this area are more familiar with Tajima than Barudan, just more of them around here. Plus I think Tajima has become the gold standard for industrial machines..... virtually Every machine out there will take a dst file... .does not go the other way around. If imitation is flattery, then many in the industry have imitated Tajima on many design and function aspects.
(sorry, but having an escape plan seems appropriate in today's economic climate, no harm in having a plan, but could be a mess if something happens, illness, flood, etc without one)
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: dilemma
Have you seen both of them run? That might help you make up your mind. If you're not able to attend a show or visit a showroom possibly salesmen representing each brand can arrange for you to visit customers who have the machines you're considering.
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Re: dilemma
ive seen them both run i have barudan and tajimas but older ones, im scared of the new machines they just dont look as good as the new ones.
Re: dilemma
Are you concerned that they won't last as well? I've had a Neo for six years and it keeps running. It's had one minor repair.
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