By roddswife on
Mar. 05, 2008
I recently purchased a Melco EMC6 embroidery machine, but have NOW been told I need a "dongle" in order to connect to a computer for designs. I am at a lost. I've tried going to Melco's website, and no where (that I can find) is there any mention of a dongle. Any help would be immensely appreciated. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Re: dongle
Did you contact Melco? 1-800-799-8313
I don't have a Melco system but generally speaking, a dongle is for your embroidery software to work so you can view designs, etc. If you bought embroidery software then a dongle should have come with it. Embroidery software manyfacturers use dongels to restrict the use of pirated software.
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