DTG: if you bought again, what would you do different?

We all think about this, "If I bought my DTG now, knowing what I know now, I would have done this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".

Would you mind sharing what you would do differently now buying DTG vs. when you did buy, be it last month, 6 months, or a year or more ago?

Would you buy, or lease?

Would you buy the same model, or upgrade or downgrade based on what your business is doing now?

Would you change brands?

Would you have held out on the deal for more accessories, i.e; more plattens, more ink supply, pre treatment, different ink management, etc.? Reason I ask, is I'm negotiating now with a couple of vendors, and they're standing firm on their pricing, so I'm asking for extra accessories, the response is positive, we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for any input. I'm going to post this in both sections of the forum, as some may only read one part and not the other.


United States

nametags wrote:
Very good points. In fact, those very issues you address has led us to go with DTG next year hopefully. We were going to go this year, but just can't.

Hi, we are a china company involved in DGT printer, As far as we know, new brand DGT printer such as DGT,brother etc. are very expensive and severely unaffortable for many people, so that they transfer to used machine in purpose of getting a own one at a lower price. However, KMAJET filled the lack availability of the machine of high quality & competitive price. For example, our KMA02T, A3 size drived by EPSON 1800, with white ink circulation system for black&white printing, comes with software and accessories is retail sold only at $4995. KMAJET have been involved in this field for more than ten years, you are assured of the quality, after-sale service and parts supplying. if you are intereted, please e-mail sophie , or visit kmajet.com

Jaeb wrote:
:)Good luck screenprinting an order for 12 shirts 5 color logo on darks. With a dtg you make 10-20 bucks a shirt and it takes about an hour to run thats $120-200 hr average after ink cost not so bad for 1 person. what about running sample shirts for the sales persons to take out to accounts they are trying to get are you going to setup screens for even a 2 color logo for a job you may never get an order for meanwhile 15 min to run a sample on a dtg is no biggy. Also I use the fact I'm using waterbased inks as a selling point its popular now to be enviromentally concious plus my dtg prints on a youthful type American apparel or District threads ring spun jersey knit is a way nicer looking feeling print that last just as long. You can not be tell the difference between my white prints on darks or a screen print on darks. Ever had a customer call back and say they need 2 more shirts for late signup If you run the to shirts quickly you might have a customer for life setting up the press takes way too long and you stop current production for 2 shirts even if you have the screens still burned. I beleive dtg will take over all screen printing in the future almost all paper media now is digital. It make take 20 yrs but it will happen, Screens are old fashion no matter how you cut it.

Very well said. I have been doing dtg since 2005. I have not seen any drop in the market for the dtg. True some people still like the screen printing but most don't know the differance especially with the new white ink capabilities. However when they see the bottom line, they almost always go for the cheaper process.

I would have outsourced first and developed a customer base then purchased a used refurbished printer for cash.

I would have bought the same model and made sure it had the "closed ink system" that my printers currently have now. I would have saved a lot of money and would be able to upgrade much earlier.

Because losing money with a bottle system, learning the tricks of the trade, advertising and developing a customer base plus a lease payment is very difficult. Since, we were losing money because the printer barely worked and you never knew how long it was gonna take to get fixed (this is a brand new machine) payments and advertising was an added stress. Once our warranty was up we changed the ink system. Was able to purchase a second used one for cash installed the closed ink system. Now, we are selling because we are ready to upgrade.


SkyLinePrints's picture

personally, i wouldn't change a thing that i did. I bought a GT541 when it first came out and it ran with no issues for 5 years. The business for the dtg starting falling off about 2 years ago and the trend continued down which is why i sold it.

I recently sold it as my focus is now on screen printing.

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
Follow us on Twitter or FACEBOOK

Design your own shirt on our website.

We Bring Your Ideas To Life!

SkyLinePrints wrote:
personally, i wouldn't change a thing that i did. I bought a GT541 when it first came out and it ran with no issues for 5 years. The business for the dtg starting falling off about 2 years ago and the trend continued down which is why i sold it.

I recently sold it as my focus is now on screen printing.

Why do you think the business for DTG began to fall off. It seems it is the thing to have, you can do 1or 2 shirts for a reasonable price,,,it seems to have good graphics abilities,,is it the maintainence, or consumable costs, or time to do a shirt compared to screening.

Just wondering.

competing with screen printer pricing has been a struggle especially if they already can get a deal of free setup/screen charges then its hard to beat their prices.

but I agree good graphics, a excellent handling of the proper mainteance and skills is vital


:)Good luck screenprinting an order for 12 shirts 5 color logo on darks. With a dtg you make 10-20 bucks a shirt and it takes about an hour to run thats $120-200 hr average after ink cost not so bad for 1 person. what about running sample shirts for the sales persons to take out to accounts they are trying to get are you going to setup screens for even a 2 color logo for a job you may never get an order for meanwhile 15 min to run a sample on a dtg is no biggy. Also I use the fact I'm using waterbased inks as a selling point its popular now to be enviromentally concious plus my dtg prints on a youthful type American apparel or District threads ring spun jersey knit is a way nicer looking feeling print that last just as long. You can not be tell the difference between my white prints on darks or a screen print on darks. Ever had a customer call back and say they need 2 more shirts for late signup If you run the to shirts quickly you might have a customer for life setting up the press takes way too long and you stop current production for 2 shirts even if you have the screens still burned. I beleive dtg will take over all screen printing in the future almost all paper media now is digital. It make take 20 yrs but it will happen, Screens are old fashion no matter how you cut it.