By jwconnelly on
Nov. 13, 2008
:mad: After having my DTG from SWF for over 1.5 years, I am still having nothing but trouble trying to print on dark garments. I wish I would have spent the money on an extra head for my AMAYA.
B & J Embroidery
Re: Dtg Kiosk
You sound frustrated? Everyone who buys a Garment Printer with White Ink, gets frustrated at some point or another. But the difference between the happy Garment Printer owners and the always frustrated owners, usually is the operator...
See the Operator has to do / be capable of all of the things bellow in-order to be happy.
-Go to Training with an open mind and be ready to learn.
-Review and learn owners manual, Training CD, Maintenance CD, plus know what websites to visit for help.
-Preform daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance(not wait until something breaks)
-Understand basic to intermediate graphic software(or be willing to learn)
-Understand garment printers are not replacing screen printing / know which orders to screen print and which to DTG print.
-Not over-promise turn around time to customers...
Now I am sure you already know all of these things & I really don't mean to sound harsh. I just know a lot of people who are very happy with there DTG printers & almost every single post I have ever read about SWF customer service has been positive.
I also no some people who never could make there Amaya run properly, but you and I know whose fault that probably was(operator). And Hypothetically speaking I am sure you would post a response very much like this one, if someone started a thread on digismith stating "After having my AMAYA for over 1.5 years, I am still having nothing but trouble embroidering hats. I wish I would have spent the money on a different machine." Because you know it can do it...
So if I assume you already did/knew everything I wrote about DTG Operators. Then I guess my question is, why aren't you posting questions on forums? I tried searching your name on a couple of the DTG forums, but nothing came up, so I feel it is safe to say you are not using all of the resources you have access to.
Please don't take offense to this reply, because I don't mean it to be at all. Just try to take a step back and look at everything from an outside perspective and take action from there.
Happy Thanksgiving
Otis Allan