DTG to print on leather?

I have a customer who needs to print a photo on leather. Then she is going to wrap the leather around a metal flask. I'm thinking DTG is the best solution for her, but I don't own one nor get enough of this type of business to purchase one. Is there anyone out there in the California area that can do this? And if so, is this the right solution I am seeking?

Honestly, I don't know. I don't think the leather would accept the ink, nor the pre-treat solution required. I would look into a digital heat transfer from perhaps Stahls?

Sorry I'm not much help, but if you find out let me know, I am very interested to know how this plays out.

inksolman's picture

Anyone with a Roland ecosol printer can print (low heat) digital transfer material, then perform a contour cut and apply with a transfer press. It works fine, I have done it several jobs on leather that way.

Jerid, do you own this machine as well? How can I find someone willing to take this project on to do a mock-up for my customer? I'm sure getting the right leather won't be a problem. That is great you saw it happen!