Available for Sale:
2 x DTG Summit 520's with YEARS' worth of spare parts.
I purchased both of these machines directly from MESA. They are bullet proof. Professionally and exceptionally well maintained (MESA can verify this), both of these printers have been and continue to be run on a daily basis. I'm selling, as I am retiring from the business. These machines together have produced in excess of $750k in sales, with easily as much or more left in them. Anyone who knows these printers, knows that they are absolute tanks of machines. And these two units in particular, are an exceptional find. You won't find better maintained machines, next to coming out of the MESA factory, directly!
Both of these machines have been set up for two purposes: Speed of production and ease of maintenance. As such, many of the "factory" body pieces have been removed for quickness and ease of access. Which is only to say that they are not necessarily as "pretty" as they were right out of the factory...but they are WAY more functional in a practical sense, for day-to-day operation.
I have easily 5+ years worth of spare parts for these. When Epson stopped making parts for the 4880 in 2018, I started scooping up every used 4880 I could find. I have scavenged 13 or 14 at this point...as the table and boxes of parts shows.
Left remaining in my parts inventory:
- 5 print heads (refurbished from parted out 4880's), all cleaned, flushed and showing good waterfall flow in all channels. I have already used 3 of these refurbished heads with print perfect results. 5 are remaining, just to clarify. I can teach you how to maintain them for extended use. They come without any warranty whatsoever.
- 6 Capping Stations, refurbished from parted out 4880's. I can also show you how to clear clogged stations for continued reuse. If managed accordingly, these 6 stations should last you 3-4 years.
- ~10 complete sets of cables for the entire machine. That's ~10 each (give or take for each specific cable) of- 0/00/000-4/5/6, 7/8/9-1/2, 51/54, 52/53, 48.
- 8+ of each motor in the machine (excluding the platen raising motor).
- 7 complete print head carriages
- 4 sets of ink bays
- 10 main boards; 1 new in box from Epson, 9 complete with power supplies from parted out 4880's
- usb from MESA with flashing software for main boards
- 6 or 8 encoder strips (they are bundled/rolled together in a bag)
- bags and bags of all the sensors
- 2 BOSS boards
- 8 Junction boards
- 6 or 8 sets of print head rails (they are in a heavy box not pictured)
- 2 Chip resetter boards
- 4 Platens; 2x 4-up, 1 adult t-shirt, 1 hoodie (this one is two pieces of base and hoodie attachment- needs screws)
- 1 spare WIMS motor
- 1 spare WIMS pump tube
- 7 WIMS filters
- Varied collection of new and refurbished dampers- I can show you how to refurbish these, as well. In 8 years, I have only ever replaced with new, twice, in the early years. Since then, I have successfully been able to clean/refurbish them back to new function. Nonetheless, there are numerous replacements included.
- 3 oil pens
- 2 new platen pully belts
There may be other odds and ends in various boxes of parts which I have missed, but this list covers the bulk of the important stuff.
These printers are set up with and running Image Armor inks. I will include whatever inks I currently have on-hand when the printers sell. At this time, I am not willing to separate parts from the printers- They need to go as a package deal. Ideally, I would like to sell both printers together, with parts, as a single package. However, I am willing to separate the printers out individually. Parts to be included with a single printer could be negotiated. If both printers are purchased together as a package with all of the parts, I will include the computer that has been running both of them, which has RIPPro 5 on it (customized for optimum color using the Image Armor inks). If both printers are purchased together, I will also include the Navigator RIP/usb dongle with the package, as well. Otherwise, I'm going to sell it separately.
Depending on buyer's location, personal delivery can be negotiated. Otherwise, shipping arrangement will be the responsibility of the buyer. *Please note!* - These printers are currently located in Ontario, Canada. However, they will be brought across the border and shipped from 14303, NY. Please note, also- Both of these printers are still currently being used, which means there will be need to be a small amount of turnaround time between purchase deposit and delivery/shipping, as I will need to wind everything down, flush them both out and prepare them for transport. This can happen quickly, it's only to say that the buyer will not be able to expect a purchase and then shipping to happen on the same day! It also means that some parts/consumables may deplete, depending on the timeline of the sale.
For serious inquiries, we can definitely arrange to jump on a facetime or zoom call or something, and I can show you the printers in action, live, to confirm performance and condition. Could also upload video to youtube.
Price to be negotiated, based on the needs of the buyer (one or both printers). Any questions, please ask! Thank you for your consideration. I am also going to be selling my two Stahls Hoverpress heat presses, if you are interested.
There are 5 Comments
Re: DTG Summit 520 x2 with spare parts
Do you still have any of this available? We already have 1 summit but looking to expand. thank you!
Re: DTG Summit 520 x2 with spare parts
Price for 1 printer and the program. I am south of Buffalo and could pick up. Thank you
Re: DTG Summit 520 x2 with spare parts
Greetings, thanks for your inquiry.
Are you looking for just the printer on its own, or with a selection of the spare parts as well? As for the program, to be perfectly forthcoming, at this stage, I only want to sell the RIP with either both printers together, or the last printer to go, as I'm going to keep using the printers until they sell.
Price for the printer is negotiable, depending on what's included with it, but roughly speaking, the tech I deal with at MESA tells me that the going rate for a Summit in this condition is currently in the $9-10k range on its own.
Don't hesitate if you have any questions about them! Thanks again for your interest.
Re: DTG Summit 520 x2 with spare parts
thank you for the reply so quickly. I will think about it and have a great day
Re: DTG Summit 520 x2 with spare parts
Looking for summit dtg motherboard and price please