Easiway 37G diptanks (x2)

Augusta, GA, United States

I have two Easiway diptanks available. One (pictured) comes with a custom-made metal frame to raise the tanks off the floor, and keeps the tank from bowing outward when full. It has a drain-lever at the bottom, and the matching lid.

The second tank is identical to this one, just without the frame.

Asking $100 for the tank with the frame, $75 for the one without. Pickup preferred, as these are one-piece and awkward in size (i.e., not cheap to ship). Will consider shipping at your cost, if these dont sell shortly.

There are 7 Comments

manuel12 wrote:
I like to buy

I like to buy can you call me 7204422812 or send me your email or your phone # pleases thank you.