Embroidery Digitizer

papatedy's picture


I'm a freelance digitizer since 2005 full time experience

prices are negotiable....mostly based on difficulty/ease of design vs. stitch count

send me an email ( papatedy@gmail.com ) if you would be interested in using my services

Best Regards Valentin Melnic

United States

Embroidery Digitizier, experience since 2005 papatedy@mail.ru
Price: $1.50 per 1000 stitches or $15-logo.

papatedy's picture

Embroidery designs, digitizing services, Embroidery services -

Embroidery Digitizier, experience since 2005 papatedy@mail.ru
Price: $1.50 per 1000 stitches or $15-logo.

Vincexp wrote:
Are you familiar with patch work designs?

DO you want a free trial for your patch. Please let me know +1512-800 8014.


papatedy, good digitizing work.

Megadigitizing - Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art Service http://www.Megadigitizing.com
(Left Chest | Cap $12 + $3 SEW OUT SAMPLE (Optional) / Jacket Back $30 ) | Leather Patches, Printed Patches, Embroidered Patches etc.

papatedy's picture

corner embroidery design
download free here

100 mm x 95 mm / 4 inch x 3.8 inch / 5000 stc
125 mm x 115 mm / 5 inch x 4.6 inch / 6300 stc
150 mm x 140 mm / 6 inch x 5.6 inch / 7400 stc

Embroidery Digitizier, experience since 2005 papatedy@mail.ru
Price: $1.50 per 1000 stitches or $15-logo.