embroidery electronic repair

plr3lectronics's picture

We at PLR Electronics will repair and refurbish your damaged Tajima, swf and toyota circuit boards, down to the component level.

Why repair? Surely you can buy replacement circuit boards as easily as you do hoops?

Answer: They don't want you to replace the electronics!

Try to find one available... where can you get it?
You can purchase new from the distributor... for an unreasonable price. How many thousands of dollars? Three grand seems to be a popular value. What? Compared to the current price of a used machine?
Is this circuit board even available from official sources? Do they tell you, "tough luck, buddy"?
Has Tajima completely abandoned support of this product long ago? "Call Japan and complain."
Do they tell you to junk or trade-in your "worthless old machine" because they can sell you a real new money-maker for $50,000-$100,000?
Can you can ask your local mechanical guy if he or a buddy has an extra board just lying around? Sure... but loose boards "lying around" tend to have been pulled because they had problems in the first place. Or do you think your mechanic tends to buy and hoard brand new working boards?
Can you try to fix the problem yourself? Sure as well, but replacing random capactitors rarely does anything useful. And puts the board at risk for further damage, and worse yet you may be repairing the wrong board altogether... increasing the cost later.
Many parts are from overseas, and expensive (both in time and money) to get. Will you ask the local TV repair place to find these parts, on an unfamiliar board? Will you pay this price and still don't even know if the incoming parts will do anything? (Or if the parts even work; new-old stock means they've been sitting around for ten years after they've been made. Are they still in spec?

What a big hassle! Forget it!

Come see us at plrelectronics.com

United States

Do you have referrals you could send me? Jack and I repair the same machines and would be nice to have someone to refer customers to as another option. Once I check your references, I might also want to put your information on my website. Send me an email and let me know if this is ok with you with references.

* With reference name, tell me what board your company repaired for them.

Thank you

Meka C. Stewart
Just Jack's Inc
Machine Repair & Training
Custom Embroidery & Screen Printing
Cell: 479-685-8996

plr3lectronics's picture

Also we repair
Swf 101 error
toyota internal connection error
tajima 311 error
dc control panel
hc control panel
and much much more
let me know your issue and i will tell you if we have a solution

What do you know about FCS labs in Florida. I just sent a Brother Main circuitboard to them earlier this month for repair that came back not working . I spent 675.00 they do not take phone calls only e-mail and I pais by check think I got ripped off. Thanks for any help advice yopu can give me, Eric

plr3lectronics's picture

I do not not know anything about FCS labs but i am sorry it didnt work out for you. The Brothers machines are difficult to repair due to custom chipsets. My best advice is to try to find a brother tech. that may have your board in fair condition, or buy a new/used known working board. Sorry i couldnt be of more help.
Good luck

Last time I contacted you about repair power board for SWF compact machine.

You guys charge $650.00 but original new part is $540.00.

How come repair price higher than original ?

Thank you.

plr3lectronics's picture

I have never heard of a brand new SWF Power card for that price and our price is standard
due to the nature of the issues with swf power boards its not a simple fix. 90% of them blow up so severe they blow holes through the board, destroy traces and smoke vias. All of this takes a great amount of time and effort to reconstruct to a working board. Not to metion all the replacement parts that are normally destroyed. So if you can find that board for that price then by all means your getting a great deal. We also have a warranty of 1 year.

plr3lectronics's picture

also pertaining to the swf power card repair we also repair swf control panels non lcd models no power, no boot up, stuck on boot up.

plr3lectronics's picture

Hello guys/gals
i also wanted to let you know we repair the following machines.

Tajima tmfx
Tajima Tmex
Tajima dc
tajima imm cards
tajima idm cards
tajima x y cards
tajima power cards
tajima s cards

most repairs cost $750 with a 1 year warranty most OEM repairs wont give that good of a warranty feel free to email me
Plr Lab

plr3lectronics's picture

i have not got a eamil but if you would leave me your email i will gladly get back to you
my number is on our websight we get to the phones when we are not under a solder gun or machine

plr3lectronics's picture

hello all just wanted to let you know some of the boards we repair

s card
power card
x card
y card
control panel
for tmfx tehx and both dc multi heads and hc multiheads

Swf power cards (101 error)
swf non lcd control panel
some lcd control panels

820, 820a 830 850 & 860
Mother board and control panles (rs232 error) and internal conection error

feel free to email or call ffrost@plrelectronics.com 817-223-3016