Embroidery home-based business inventory FOR SALE

United States

We are selling a home-based embroidery business inventory. My Mom recently passed away and we are selling, under a separate thread, a BabyLock EMP and BabyLock Ellegante. We have taken a rough inventory (things are now in storage) and would like to see the lot together. We are located in Washington State, Pierce County.

Please let us know if you have any questions or might be interested. Thanks!

Inventory For Sale

Finger 100
Kitchen Dish 67
Kitchen - Hand 24
Bath 6
Place mats 50
Aprons 15
Tote bags
Grocery 41
Kid sized 10
Napkins 126
Fleece throws 11
Hats 4
T-shirts 5
Sweatshirts 8
12" x 12 yards 17
Tear away 46" x 19 yards 1
Small rolls 3
Sheets 12 x 8 50
Giant 12
Big 53
Small 244
30-40-50 wt 64
30-40-50 wt - lg 10
Boxed 2.75
Loose 200
Winder 1
Cards 45
CDs 289
Bins 6
4 drawer wood top 2
Wheeled bins 2
Wheeled canvas bins 4
Babylock Serger
Serger accessory feet
Twin Fit body form
Brother Disney machine

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