By StreamEmb on
Sep. 10, 2015
I have been working on this cap logo for moths it seems like. I even sent it off to a well know digitizer and had them do it. I can not get it to sew clean. The outline is always off. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it. My machine is a Melco, Amaya XTS. I have added a photo so you could see what I am talking about. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated. :eek:
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
i hope i am not late to reply on this but if i am not then send our ur design img, required size as well as a copy of the desing that u have sew on ur machine so i can catch the issues u r facing
u can mail me
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Is there an underlay that goes down first? Does it sew bottom to top/Center out?
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Check list:
1. For center-seam hats, the best practice is to steam the hat; you can buy an
inexpensive steamer at places like Remember the steamer can also
be used in the future to steam off water soluble topping and also remove hoop
marks - no shop should be without one. 'Work Hat' to soften seam by turning
inside out and rolling it.
2. Use HAT BACKING to the proper size.
3. Check your hooping to be sure that the bill is flat against the hoop.
4. If you hear flapping, there is too much space between the hat and needle plate.
Stop the machine and put more backing - you can shove in tearaway without
unhooplng - if it still sounds wrong, put more backing until you have a it 'quiet'
and this will help with registration.
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
I have got it to look good on and unstructured cap by using a layer of sticky backing and two layers of tearaway. However on structured caps it is still sewing terrible. Tons of thread breaks. I have adjusted the thread tension 1000 times and it is not helping. My needles and thread are brand new. The design is sewing from the center out. I have not tried the steamer, mainly because I don't have one here. I just use a spray bottle for the solvy and hoop burns. I agree though, I absolutely need one. My backing is good in size. I did try to make it larger/smaller to see if it may help. It literally took 4 hours for one cap to sew and it was so bad that I threw it away. I have attached a jpeg of the logo.
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
What file type would you like the design in?
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Do you have an underlay that goes down before the design?
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Yes there is an underlay. When I couldn't get my design to sew right I sent it to be digitized. When I got it back it was in expanded format. I saved it that way and then I also converted it to wireframe to see I could make some adjustments to have it sew better. Still no luck. Typically with a structured cap I use 2 layers of tearaway backing. I make sure the design sews from the center out and bottom up. I would be more than happy to send the design to anyone to try on their machine, and if it sews good for someone else then it is not a design issue it would be a ME or my machine issue.
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
I bet it is your machine....send me the file I can run it on a Barudan, SWF, and Tajima to comapre
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
i will like to get ur logo work our , please send over to me with ur required details will work out and send back
please provide size
img of the design
and if possible the img of the embroidery u did last so i can understand the issue
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Can u Send me a copy of the DST file, I would like to take a look & get back to
you with comments, No Obligation! Channahon, Illinois:
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Hi have you got any luck yet, Send a jpeg of logo to me and i whill try to fix
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
It's your machine. You can send to numbers of digitizers but unless you fix your machine it wouldn't help.
Re: Embroidery Outline Problems
Hello, I have a TMFX embroidery and let me know if anyone knows how to connect the control panel independently without connecting to the machine and I want to review it electronically