Epson Dye Sublimation INk Set

Auburn Ca United States

I am selling a set of 4 OEM Epson Surecolor F6200 Dye Sublimation Inks. The inks have a factory "use by" date of 09-14-2019 and 09-15-2019. I recently had a ton of issues with a refurbished F6200 I purchased back in May of 2018... Epson was unable to repair the printer and every time they sent a technician to my house, they sent a set of factory inks too... So I now have 3 extra sets I will not be able to use before the "use by" dates. Although I have been told by the technician that tried to repair the printer that the "use by" date is just a "recommendation" .. But anyways, at the rate I am printing it would take me way too long to use the set I have in the printer now and the 1 extra set I am keeping.


Also please note that I have already redeemed the Epson Points from the inks, which is reflective of my asking price of only $350.00 for the set. You are saving at least $110.00 on this set. If you are interested in one or both of the other 2 sets, let me know and I will make you a package deal. The "use by" date codes are similar with none of them having dates earlier than these 4.

PLEASE NOTE: The shipping costs ESTIMATED to be approx $35.00 and is just that... AN ESTIMATE.... I will shop for the LOWEST shipping cost to your location (once I have your shipping address) and ONLY charge you the ACTUAL shipping costs... That cost is dependent upon you zip code... again, if you have ANY questions, please ask .... If you want to research shipping your self, the ink weighs 10 lbs for all 4 and I can probably get them into a box approximately 12x12x6

Thanks for looking... Please ask any if you have any... 530-906-8394


There is 1 Comment

1 set sold today... I have 1 more set availible with the following date cades..

HDK Black= 20190915
Magenta= 20190914
Cyan= 20190915

why take the chance with third party inks when you can purchase these for dam near the same price...
