Equipment broker introductions

srimonogramming's picture

As promised on a thread in the used screen printing equipment forum, I said I would start a thread that would allow the brokers that use this site to introduce themselves and type whatever they'd like to about themselves or simply ignore it all together, doesn't matter to me. But with the amount of brokers out there, the seemingly minority of which have a below average rating when it comes to customer satisfaction, I think this thread would serve a great purpose to those brokers who do work hard, deliver what they promise and try to do things the right way. There have been a number of brokers that have used this site over the years that for a lack of a better term, were/are dirtbags who have ripped people of their hard-earned money and I think it's time we start weeding those brokers out of this forum. Most of us know the shady characters but the purpose of this particular thread is to introduce the brokers and let them tell their story, background, years in the biz, etc.

This is not a thread to bash the broker after they've posted, you are welcome to post your experiences with a particular broker in another thread, but only if you post your real name and.or business. Those who won't put their name behind a negative post will be taken seriously but it will certainly lack credibility and serve your purpose much better if you did put your name on the review. If you do have something negative to say but refuse to divulge who you are then maybe we can work something out to get your story out there because I do think they are important, but posting anonymously won't hold as much weight as it would putting your name on it. I just want to avoid a bunch of bashing from anonymous posters but I do acknowledge that those people can/have gotten screwed over by a broker in the past and their story is no less important.

I doubt the brokers who have things to hide will post in this thread, and those reputable brokers probably think (deservedly so) that they don't need to do this and they've done enough in this industry to not have to post an intro or company information on this thread. I think this thread will help the members of this forum get to know and feel more comfortable using the brokers who do choose to tell us all who they are and what they've done in the past.

I think that far too many bad brokers have used this site and when they get exposed they change their usernames, or post under a different name but use another member here as their buffer. I noticed on Friday an old broker with nothing but negative reviews is still posting equipment for sale but using another username BUT THEN using another member's name and phone number for the contact info...amazing I think. It's time to clean this kind of crap up, it's time that good, honest brokers get the work they deserve and it's especially time that the printers and embroiderers can trust who they are writing checks or wiring money to and if they do have someone rip them off their experience can be heard. I do understand that not every deal can be perfect and customers can have unrealistic expectations but we will have to work through those as they happen and brokers can always tell their side of the story if they wish.

I'm not sure if this thread is going to accomplish anything or if any of the brokers will take the time to introduce themselves but it's worth trying.

United States

I have been buying, selling and brokering used equipment for the last 20 years. Before that I was a contract textile printer, in 1993 NAFTA helped me find a new vocation.

We maxed out our printing operation in 1988 with 125 employees and 11 production lines (4 direct and 7 hot split). When I started out, my first automatic and dryer were purchased brand new. After that initial purchase, all the other pieces were purchased used through various brokers. I have been on both ends of broker handled deals regarding used equipment.

We all have ideas of what being screen printing broker entails. Most buyers expect the broker to find the machines for them, save them money over new, accurately represent the machine's condition and provide service after the sale. These are reasonable expectations and easy enough to deliver, if the broker is planning on making a living making equipment deals.

I have found the job requires a good bit of travel, that is if you are hoping to avoid a lot of "after the sale" problems. When I first contact someone that is selling a machine, they nearly always say the machine is "perfect". This is rarely the case, only "on site" inspection can deliver a accurate Condition Report. Most buyers (and brokers) are not willing to travel and a see the machine (or are they willing to send a trusted technician for the pre-sale inspection). This is a recipe for disaster, remember the commercial when the girl has a date with a French model.

Experience is the only way for a broker to accurately represent the condition of a machine. All machines have weak areas, time teaches you what to look for when doing an inspection. This industry has very few brokers who have made a living of making these deals for more than 10 years. The startup guys that think this is a way to fast money, often get blindsided usually at the end user's expense.

Deals go bad sometimes no matter how hard you try to make them right. It is how you handle these situations that separate the shady from the straight up dealers. If anyone tells you that the guy is "hard to get a hold of" this is giant red flag. Legitimate business people take their calls and return calls promptly. If you can't call around and check a guy out (more than one reference) you should be very careful before sending any money. Check with your friendly competitors, supply sales people (I know they are to drive you crazy with "New is the only way to go") or search the web.

If you are going to send anyone 10's of thousands of dollars, you should be very cautious. You wouldn't buy a used car (for the same money) with only the word of a salesman reporting the condition.

Seritech Inc.

I can vouch for Bill. We've worked deals with him for years. Last year we had some wierd gliches with a Gauntlet so he sent a tech in. Runs perfect now and we also got introduced to a great tech who is close by.