Error of Tajima

United States

What this error D-203 or D-2.03 means ???
please help me :(
Thanks very much :o

There are 3 Comments

are you sure thats the error code. i know the codes like the back of my hand and thats not a code.. let me know theres a error code B03 but let me know,

oops you said D haha still not a D203 code. what exactly is the machine doing

When you first turn on a D model tajima (ie TME-DC912), the machine shows the version of the firmware in the EPROMS.The D says it is the IDM card with version 2.03 It should switch to the letter N and show the version of the second eprom located on the IMM PCB . You may have a faulty IDM card but you should try reconnecting the cables inside the controller. You can also turn on maintenance mode dip switch, this sometimes unlocks the machine