By mhuggins84 on
Jul. 09, 2012
United States
An Experienced Screen Printer needed for a management position in a growing atmosphere. We are a 2 year old veteran owned and oprerated business and we continue to grow every year. I need an experienced screenprinter who knows the ropes and can manage the ENTIRE shop. That includes: Online sales, shipping, online marketing, graphic design, web design, screen printing, local marketing, and customer service. Good starting salary with commission. Please send resumes to or email for more information. Thanks for looking
There is 1 Comment
Re: Experienced Screen Printer needed for Mgmt position.
please give me a call
ray gaeto
704-671-4042 anytime
new address:
raymond p gaeto
2983-o seth ct.
gastonia, nc 28054
new phone 704-671-4042