I am having problems with Fancyworks Studio Plus freezing when I try to edit any of my existing designs ( I have thousands as I sell them online). Aunty M suggested I contact Tina Broes. Although good advice, Tina was not very helpful in offering possible solutions to my problems. So, I thought I would ask this group if any of you have had issues with Fancyworks and windows 2000 & how you went about fixing the problems.
I was told by Tina that the issues develop because of Windows 2000 updates & she suggested turning off auto updates & uninstall any updates that have installed since I noticed the beginning of my problems. I did this and no change. I also uninstalled an re-installed the program. No change. I also tried to restore previous versions of files and deleted programs that I thought might be conflicting because they had recently upgraded too...nothing works. Tina was not able to tell me specifically what Windows updates were causing the conflicts & removing them started other programs to miss-fire.
Fancyworks freezes whenever I try to make edits to designs I created before this problem started-about 2 weeks ago now. Up until 2 weeks ago I was able to open any native (editing) file and make any changes I wanted to. Not so anymore.
The editing options like scaling, mirror,rotate etc.cause the program to freeze. I can copy & paste and I can move some points. Although trying to move others causes the program to freeze. I will add that EMB Magic2 can do some of these tasks, but it too has joined the freezing action with many of the edits I try to do. I have spent many hours trying to resolve this problem to no avail & welcome all suggestions from those who have had similar problems. Do any of you know of an open forum that addresses this problem?
Thank you,
Jennifer Wolf
Re: Fancyworks Studio Plus & Windows 2000 issues
I hope the little can you display in your reply isn't suggesting that my question is SPAM. What a way to treat a new member of this forum. If anyone else has any useful information that can help me with my software compatibility issue, I welcome your response.
Re: Fancyworks Studio Plus & Windows 2000 issues
I just realized I mistakenly said I was using windows 2000-that's wrong, I am using windows-7.
Unfortunately, I am not in a position to replace either of my laptops as they are both relatively new. Also, I want to mention I have used both Embroidey Magic 2 & Fancyworks Plus on both Windows 98 & XP over the past 3-4 years with little or no trouble.
I installed Fancyworks (and EMB Magic2) on both of my computers and had no problems for over a year. It has been just in the last couple of weeks that the programs have begun to freeze whenever I try to change my existing designs. Although I have not done extensive experiments with new designs, I believe the problems don't exist with anything I create now.
I was told by the rep @ Pantograms that Windows update(s) are to blame. However, she was unable to pinpoint exactly which update(s) were causing the problem. I know both of my computers did upgrades on programs & windows updates in the past couple of weeks. I believe the conflict is with one (or more) of these updates.
Thanks for your help.
Re: Fancyworks Studio Plus & Windows 2000 issues
Yes, I did try this and for unknown reasons, the restore didn't work. I am going to try again tomorrow and see what happens. I do know my way around a computer but I find problems like this frustrating. I am sure it's something fairly simple, but so far I have not been able to put my finger on it. I can't believe I'm the only one who has had this problem given that this software is pretty popular. But, I have not been able to find any posts on the web. I was hoping someone who had the same problems & resolved them might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks for your help,
Re: Fancyworks Studio Plus & Windows 2000 issues
I just did a check on my computer for incompatible programs & was able to resolve some of the problems by telling my computer the program(s) had worked properly in Windows XP.
The program still freezes on some designs, but seems to be OK on others. I can't make sense of it. Tomorrow I'll do te same on my other laptop & see if it's successful.
I would be happier to see Pantograms create a fix for this problem, but until then I think this solution makes the software usable. Hope this helps the next one with this problem.