Flash, Conveyor and Exposure for sale

Summerville, SC, United States

This was my starter package
I need to make room for other equipment

BROWN Single Point exposure System
10ft Conveyor dryer 24" belt
18x18 Flash unit
Will also sell individually.

$1800 or best offer

There are 5 Comments

This is additional information that has been asked for:

BROWN Single Point exposure System
Combines the Singlepoint machine with a top speed metal halide bulb and you get a great machine for a high speed production shop. Vacuum Blanket is in excellent condition.

Precision Screen Machine 10ft Conveyor dryer 24" belt
Model# MCD2410
230V 40Amps

Aaron Worldwide Machine Co.18x18 Flash unit on stand
115V 20Amps

Will also sell individually.