Gaunlet "S" 6 colors

Los ANGELES, ca, United States

For Sale in Los Angeles California

two Gaunlets Seris "S" 6 colors , 8 stations , year 96

Radicure M&R 60 in wide ,, 10 ft heat chamber , 5 ft out and feed

Gas Dryer Paul Ryan 60 in wide , 12 ft heat chamber , in feed 8ft,0ut feed 5ft

Label Printer one color, automatic

Screw air compressor 20 hp 3 phase

two manual Hoopkings 6,4 and 8,4 colors

Tuff automatic 10 colors 12 station

for more information reply at

There is 1 Comment

i am intrested in some of your equipment if possible calling me
210-535-9480 cell
thank you