Gauntlet II 12 Color Presses For Sale

Camden, SC, United States

We have 3 12 Color Gauntlet II's For Sale. Each Press has the following features:

- AC Heads and Servo Index
- Central off Contact Adjustment
- Squeegee Pressure Regulators
- Front & Rear Micros
- Frame, Squeegee, and Flood Bar Air Locks
- 16" x 20" Print Area

One of these presses has already been Reconditioned by our team and is Ready at Once. Lead time on the other two range from 3-7 weeks depending on our Production Line and Press needs. All presses will come with the following:

- 100% Performs as Designed at Setup Guarantee
- 90 Day Part Exchange Warranty
- 16" x 22" Pallets
- 16" Squeegee Holders and Flood Bars
- M&R Quartz Flash

Check out this video of the Ready at Once Gauntlet II

Major Credit Cards and PayPal Accepted. Leasing Available.

Seritech Inc.

There are 3 Comments

Ready at Once Gauntlet II is SOLD!

We have two left. One is an identical unit with the same level of reconditioning to be done to it.

The other requires Center Shaft Bushing replacement and will undergo a full Rebuild. This press will come with a 1 Year Parts Exchange Warranty and a Flash.

Get them while they're available!

Seritech Inc.