Gerber Sabre 408 Router table, 2003 model, works and is in use now. 4x8 width and includes RIP. Asking 10,000.00
The GERBER Sabre is a router/engraver for use in dimensional sign making, woodworking, and parts fabrication. It offers high-speed routing of lettering and graphic designs, dependability, and ease of use, minimal maintenance requirements, and configuration flexibility.
The Sabre can cut designs from a variety of materials − foams, plastic, wood, composites, and non-ferrous metals − as well as draw all types of text and graphics. The Sabre is 4 foot x 8 foot (122 cm x 244 cm).
The Sabre can rout designs created by using many standard design programs — Composer in Gerber OMEGA™ or GRAPHIX ADVANTAGE® , CorelDRAW® , and CASmate® . Regardless of the program used to create the design to be routed, the Gerber ART Path™ software prepares the design for routing by the Sabre. ART Path allows you to generate tool paths of varying depths, then output the job to the Sabre. When used with design programs other than Gerber programs, the open architecture ART Path Software Option enables you to import standard file formats into ART Path for tool path generation.
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Re: Gerber Sabre 408 Router Table
Did you ever sell 973-952-7358 very interested in purchasing