Get Newmanized Here

Camden, SC, United States

75 - Newman MZX 23" x 31" Roller Frames - Clean & in Excellent Condition most have good mesh of assorted counts (don't ask for a breakdown), all have metal nuts. $30 each take all or in lots of 25/ $35.00 ea, if you come and get em, take $3.00 each off the price on either the take all or lot of 25 prices.

2- Newman L2 Automatic Stretching Systems, one does MZX frames only. The second one has removable spacers for M3 (with the spacers installed MZX) frames. Both units are in near new condition Guaranteed to be 100% upon delivery. The MZX only unit is $1,400.00 the MZX/M3 unit $1,700.00 crated and loaded. Deduct $100.00 off of each one for customer pick up.

2- Newman M3/MZX wrenches $40.00 each

2- Full Rolls of Newman Locking Strips $40.00 each

20- Sets of Newman Pin Lock corner adapters $6/a pair take all only.

Mastercard, Visa, Discover or Paypal OK

Seritech Inc.

There are 15 Comments

I now have 108 MZX 23'" x 31" frames (I picked up a few more attached picture). I will take $30.00 each on a take all (palletized, loaded and shrink wrapped).

On the Stretching tables:

MZX only $1,200.00 palletized, strapped and loaded

MZX/M3 combination table $1,500.00 palletized, strapped and loaded

Newman Wrenches MZX/M3 $35.00 ea.

Seritech Inc.