Going back to Cali!

Next weeks Imprinted Sportswear Show- in Long Beach, California is now the number one show in the world for our industry. Our company will be there this year with the best display we have ever had. Many new products and upgraded products will be shown for the first time. We have two stations set up that will allow us to demonstrate how pallets work and what they can do for you.

We also have 4 large Flat screens displaying pictures of our production accessories that will include English and Spanish headings. Lastly - Mr. Len Naftal will be in our booth this year. Please stop by meet one of our industries founding members.

New Products on Display:

  • The NEW Registration Pallet
  • The New Winged Flood Bar Design
  • The new Double Sleeve Pallet Design
  • The New Jacket Hold Down Design
  • The New Shorts Hold Down Design
  • The New Hat Pallet Design
  • The NEW MHM Compatible Zipper Hoodie Pallet

& Many More products for you to evaluate.

For More information on the ISS-LB Show - http://www.issshows.com/long-beach/
For more information on Action Engineering products - http://www.actionengineering.com

We hope to see you next week!

Action Engineering, Inc.
Sales & Marketing Team.

United States

Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584

Also - Please come pick up one of our new product posters. This handsome 24" x 36" poster features 24 very colorful images of new and popular pallet designs. It is folded and stuffed into an envelope for easy transport.

Our new product poster will add color and class to any wall it's on.:)

We are all very excited about this years ISS-LB Show and will be there in just a few days from now. Looking forward once again to seeing everyone there.

Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584

Prosperi-Tees's picture

Interested in your reg pallet. I wont be able to make it to LB this year. Do you have any info you can send me?

New Registration Pallet . This very simple system is exceptionally easy to use and requires nothing more than the pallet itself to accomplish a fast setup of your machine. The Registration Pallet is available for use on all automatic and manual machinery.
We have inlaid a very thin EL Glow Wire pattern into a solid aluminum pallet. The glow wire is only 1/32nd of an inch thick. When lighted - the wire glows brightly.

There is one glow wire down the middle and then three horizontal glow wires at strategic positions.

It allows you to look through your mesh and align the registration marks on your screen to the easily visible lines on the pallet. It comes fully assembled - ready for production, and will pay for itself in days. - $495

Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584