By WallyMoccassins on
Jun. 08, 2009
I have a lot of great T-shirt ideas floating around in my head. I have the equipment to print them onto t-shirts. What i dont have is the ability to put those ideas onto paper(or print film as it were. Im looking for graphic designers to send me price lists and other information so that i can find out what it would take/cost to get make my ideas printable. Please e-mail me directly
Re: Graphic Designers Needed
.....Hi! Yes I know how that feels! I am a graphic designer and I have being creating
designs for t-shirts for almost 20 years! I have plenty experience in textile design
and i know what works and what not- Also I can tell you mesh count and technics on how
to print certains design. I charge $15 per film. Send me one of your ideas and i will
send you back the art work free of charge/so you can see my work!
Re: Graphic Designers Needed
It might be easier to give an idea of your designs, designers usually work by the hour and some designs are simple and some aren't.
Dave UK imagesetters and Wasatch RIP
Re: Graphic Designers Needed
I have a lot of art background but have spent a lot of time learning how to work my program(s) and do it effecitntly! Some things are just so simple and done in a matter of a few clicks! Other things can letteraly take hours... especially if you are recreating something. I learned the hard way to CHARGE for my time if it is past 30 minutes!!
Laurie :)
Re: Graphic Designers Needed
Heh! Just send me the idea, and state your budget- and I'll do the best I can for whatever it is!