Great Deal on a Auto Set-UP Almost Full Shop

United States

Here we have another Lawson Mini Trooper. We love these at our shop but it is time to let this one go to make room for a new press. It is a 2001 4 color 6 station press with caster upgrades. Press fits through a standard door so if space is an issue this is no problem. Here is what you will get if you purchase this press:

2001 Lawson Mini Tropper in Full Working Order
15+ Frames
Air Compressor (220 Volts) to run the press (I am keeping the chiller, sorry)
1 Vastex Stand Flash Unit (220 again on this one)

I am asking 8,500 for the press and if you want for 10,000 total I will throw in a 2411 Harco dryer with rolling base to make it a complete shop.

I have no pictures at this time, but if you would like to go to you can read all about the press. Feel free to Message me too and I will respond.

Todd Harris
Last Adam Wear

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