Happy Embroidery machine

Does anyone have a Happy 4 head embroidery machine? I would like to know if these machines work well or what problems/repairs you have had.


United States

Danburke wrote:
I have a 2001 Happy HCA 1201 40-TTC. This machine is super solid and runs smooth and quiet even at over 1000spm. The problem you are going to run into with older machines (especially Happy) is that you will no longer be able to get parts if it breaks down. Mine has been down for 8 months now and I am considering scraping it just because of one part that I can no longer get from Happy. My advice if you are going to buy used, buy Tajima. They are much easier to find parts for. Stay away from the less popular brands. I have a 2009 Tajima 4 head 12 needle and I can still get all the parts for it.

If you still think to scrap your machine for parts i'm interested in some of them (step drive PMM-BD-54050-10) for ex.

I have a 2001 Happy HCA 1201 40-TTC. This machine is super solid and runs smooth and quiet even at over 1000spm. The problem you are going to run into with older machines (especially Happy) is that you will no longer be able to get parts if it breaks down. Mine has been down for 8 months now and I am considering scraping it just because of one part that I can no longer get from Happy. My advice if you are going to buy used, buy Tajima. They are much easier to find parts for. Stay away from the less popular brands. I have a 2009 Tajima 4 head 12 needle and I can still get all the parts for it.

minimalist's picture

Danburke wrote:
I have a 2001 Happy HCA 1201 40-TTC. This machine is super solid and runs smooth and quiet even at over 1000spm. The problem you are going to run into with older machines (especially Happy) is that you will no longer be able to get parts if it breaks down. Mine has been down for 8 months now and I am considering scraping it just because of one part that I can no longer get from Happy. My advice if you are going to buy used, buy Tajima. They are much easier to find parts for. Stay away from the less popular brands. I have a 2009 Tajima 4 head 12 needle and I can still get all the parts for it.

What is the part that you can't find?

Data-Stitch in Waco TX used to sell and support Happy machines and no longer do so. That is enough info for me to avoid them... I know two people who had them and they ran great for three years or so before problems started. One guy had to replace the circuit boards in the tension head base on two heads. Not a stunning recommendation considering that I need a tension base card on one of my 25 year old Tajimas that just blew after 25 years. You get what you pay for. Good maintainence (sp? sorry) pays in the long run.

Robert Young's picture

BUT if you have a LOCAL person that can work on them then Maybe. otherwise I would go with a more universally known brand... tajima, barudan, etc... I use SWF but that is only because I can do most of the maintenance myself...

Modern Embroidery Designer

Please, Happy makes one of the best machines out there.
Do your research. What model are they?
P.S. Most of the other companies have gone to contract techs and say they have a tech staff.

Just a comment here since I have alot of techs that I call friends.

Most all of the machine companies (including the biggest ones in the industry) now have some techs on staff but also use alot of indepent techs as well.

This gives them better coverage without running up their payroll cost.

To be honest its smart for them because it saves them money which also saves you money since it keeps their overhead down.

However and More Important

Some of the BEST techs I know in this entire industry on any brand you can mention all have one thing in common.

They are independent techs that work for themselves, and they still support the brands that they work for just as good if not better than they would if they were working on the payroll for the machine companys.

Many of these independent techs USED to work for a machine company but now work for themselves by choice.

If you were that good at working on any brand of machine would you want to work for someone else for alot less money or work for yourself and put more of the profits in your own pocket ?

It looks like that is 2 against and 1 opinion for a happy machine. Anyone else have any other information about happy embroidery machines. This machine is a 2002 4 head 15 needle. All information is appreciated.

Lunatik13 wrote:
It looks like that is 2 against and 1 opinion for a happy machine. Anyone else have any other information about happy embroidery machines. This machine is a 2002 4 head 15 needle. All information is appreciated.

I have owned Happys for over 20 years. They're built like tanks and sound like them too. They have more metal parts than any other embroidery machine. So they are loud. Embroidery quality is good. Make sure you have a good digitizing and the Happy won't let you down.

Hi ,

Can someone please help i need a ROM or the Firmware file for a Happy HCA-1201-40TTC machine.

I have a blank EPROM that i can copy the code to. I'm just finding it very hard to locate the firmware.

I'm willing to pay some one to help, or copy there firmware and send to me.
