Happy HCA-1201-40TTC

I have just rcently bought a(Used) Happy HCA-1201-40TTC Embroidery Machine, the needles are constantly breaking along with the cotton getting tangled in the needle plate.
Please help :confused:

2 things come to mind right off the bat.

1.Your hook may be out of adjustment. If you manually cycle machine until needle is at its lowest point your hook needs to be "just barely" clearing your needle.

2.Your machines timing is off.

Needle breaks mean your hitting something....and both of the above would cause this along with birdnest in plate.

Both of these problems.....can be fixed yourself BUT I would suggest having a tech or someone walk you through it.


There are education files at texmac.com
Issues of needle breaks are covered and how to time the hook to needle. diagrams illustrate how to do it
Also follow thread tensioning. Make sure your top tension is not too loose and bottom tension too tight.

Hi Jon

Many thanks for your advise, I am going out the workshop and give it a try.

Chris1 wrote:
I have just rcently bought a(Used) Happy HCA-1201-40TTC Embroidery Machine, the needles are constantly breaking along with the cotton getting tangled in the needle plate.
Please help :confused:

Well that happend to me and the problem was the foot, I replaced it and problem resolved.

I know this may seem obvious, but are you really running cotton on this machine? These machines run typically rayon, and in some cases can run spun polyester. A typical cotton yarn like 20's 2-ply is too heavy to run with smaller needle sizes, and a timing change is necessary when running 13's, 14's, or 16's.

As to hitting the needle plate, loosen the two screws at the back of the plate. (I suggest you take it off the first time to check for shims. If the plate IS shimmed, CALL A TECH. If not, when you tighten these screws at the back of the plate, they should be machined to seat in the proper position. You can turn off all but the one head that eats needles. Now, push on the presser foot for the needle number you show as active. Eye ball it. If it looks like this needle is NOT going to pass cleanly thru the plate hole, CALL A TECH. If it looks good, turn the machine over by hand. Have someone watch the needle pass thru the plate, and stop right at the point where the needle is at dead bottom, right before the needle starts to come back up. Check the degree turned to and let me know. If everything looks good, when the needle starts back up, the hook point should be roughly on 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch past the right edge of the needle, and the hook should NOT touch the needle. Last thing to do before you fire up the machine again, make sure all needles are STRAIGHT, with the recess at the back of the needle, and the groove in the front. Center it with another needle by placing a needle in the eye of the one to adjust, and moving the placement to center the eye directly at the proper 0. Now adjust thread tension, put in a new bobbin, and fire it up. Hopefully this has been of some help.