Harco 8ft Conveyor Dryer

United States

I have a Harco 8ft Conveyor Drier that I sadly have no room for. It works great other than it needs a tensioner. (cheap part that can be ordered from Brownmfg.net)

Looking for $700 obo ..

Feel free to email me: sales@tinygiantclothing.com

its worth way more than that I just dont have the room for it. It worked fine when i picked it up (other than the tensioner) (I bought out a local shop) and havent found the room to use this. can be wired direct or comes with a plug that can be wired on there (220 plug)

Pics: (from the day I picked it all up a few weeks back. The dryer has been tightly tarped and kept dry.)

There are 9 Comments

the exposure unit is not for sale :-P

I am located in Rochester NH (03867)

I also have a harco numbering system attatchment with a pallet of screens for it. would let that system go for $500 with all the screens..

make offers .. i need my room back

feel free to email me directly


its not sending me notifications here .. thanks!

make me an offer.. I'll take pretty much any offer.

Just need to get the unit out of here same with the number system and pallet of screens for it.

NEED it gone asap. $200 final price. will throw in a pallet of screens (leg/sleeve and number screens) as well as a harco number system attatchment.

want it gone by next week. No crating shipping Pickup only!

cash or paypal is fine.