
Please forgive me for being so new..
I'm a stay at home Mom and have been selling small handmade crafts for a while but I want to move on to something bigger and with a bigger audience so to speak. I live in a town that loves to sell local products so I'm hoping I'll have a great market here. I've always wanted a small at-home screen printing business and I'm hoping to get some advice. What type of machine would you recommend to someone just starting out? Should I look into something small, like the Yudu or Dick Blick 4 color machine? Do those have the availability to create multiple shirts in a short amount of time? (assuming I get large orders) Or should I lease professional equipment?

Thank you for your input. :)

I am also a stay at home mom and run a screen print and embroidery business. It isn't as easy as it sounds. You don't want to wast your time with a Yudu or anything cheep like that. I bought a good used 4 color 4 station press Dryer, Flash and exposure for about $2500. You can find alot of good used equipment on this site but you have to do your research first. Good Luck!

you would be a lot better off finding a used set up that has the complete package but don't spend more than $6000 for it what ever you do don't go out and buy a new set up spend $6000 on someone Else's failure to succeed on the business and wants to get rid of the equipment or someone who found screen printing not to be for them. then when you got your legs under you if ever try it and like ie and are successful at it then invest in buying a $30,000 set up to pump out the tee's