
I have a machine SWF 1501 c , 1 head 15 needle, that was new Nov. 2006, :( :( :( I am so crazy with this machine my husband just says, "Its a machine it cant be that difficult!" I feel I am not a Dumpie by no means, I have watched the repair vedios, caaled tech support and even had my friend over that has been embroidering for 18 years. I (we) have been working on this machine for the past 5 days from 9-5pm straight, non stop..... (i have taken sanity breaks) but heres my issue:

#1 I messed up the tension...
#2 The needle keeps breaking (it is hitting the rotary during the stiches and breaking the needles)
#3 My timming is getting thrown off every time I break A needle....
#4 and when I do get the timming set, my thread is not connecting with my bobbin thread to make a stitch.....

Please help....I really want to make this work,,:eek



One of my machines which I adore and would never part with, was new in 1998, so I know what it feels like to go crazy with a machine :) Looks like all your problems arise from the first item, I mean messing up the tension. That might be the reason for all the troubles. I would call a master to fix the tension problem first.

However it is, take it easy. Wish you good luck!

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