Help needed - I own Pulse Maestro but....

Hello, I'm new to this form. I have a problem. I bought Pulse Maestro about 10+ years ago. I am the original owner. I did not do regular software upgrades and now my dongle is saying it's no longer valid. Tajima wants to charge me me about 1500.00 just to upgrade my software to the current version. When I purchased it I was to get FREE upgrades and FREE training for life. They claim they do not have upgrades back to my version and therefore need to charge me this enormous amount.

The software is currently useless to me as it crashes each time I start it. Please offer any assistance you can. I susspect there is a date encoded in the dongle. They claim the dongles fail after time, but this also would not cost 1500.00 to replace.

Fit to be tied!!


I have an small version of Pulse from 15 years(work with Windows 95 or 98)
and still work.
I use it for monogramming and to load designs in to embroidery machine.
Tajima sent to you the right answer.
The dongle availability is forever for version you bought.
If now the dongle don t work could be damaged.
About price I don t what to say.
An new Maestro could be 10 times expensive.

I agree it could be more expensive, but should not cost anything above the cost of a new dongle IMHO. Software bought and paid for...upgrades for life. I have turning to litigation, but I may have to. I was hoping someone would have old disks where I could get it up to date. Then they would only be looking at a dongle replacement

hi dgeorge,
I think my version is 9. something, I will look. If I can get the version up to close the current, then they can only charge me for the new USB dongle...look if you don't mind, I would appreciate.

Thank you,


Good trick to change the date!
But the message "DONGLE NO LONGER VALID" appear for demo version or for an limited time validity(excepting dongle damage).
SEW-WEE how much you payed for your Pule?

minimalist's picture

Sew-Bee-It wrote:
Hello, I'm new to this form. I have a problem. I bought Pulse Maestro about 10+ years ago. I am the original owner. I did not do regular software upgrades and now my dongle is saying it's no longer valid. Tajima wants to charge me me about 1500.00 just to upgrade my software to the current version. When I purchased it I was to get FREE upgrades and FREE training for life. They claim they do not have upgrades back to my version and therefore need to charge me this enormous amount.

The software is currently useless to me as it crashes each time I start it. Please offer any assistance you can. I susspect there is a date encoded in the dongle. They claim the dongles fail after time, but this also would not cost 1500.00 to replace.

Fit to be tied!!


Get your contract out and read all the fine print. If there are no exclusions and you can document yourself as the original owner then you might have a actionable case against them.

I use compucon and when the dongle went TU they sold me another dongle for around $200.

SunEmbroidery's picture

Sorry for the aside question but do some Pulse levels other than trial versions have a time limit? I'm also using software that's over ten years old but its the Illustrator level. I asked about upgrading a year ago and they wanted additional money to upgrade to Illustrator Extreme because my level had been discontinued. I asked if I could down grade my level and they said I would have to sell my software and purchase a lower level.

According with your payment the dongle could have an limited validity .
But SEW-WEE payed 10 000 USD,and the validity must be forever.
Because don t made updates from more than 10 years,could be the same situation like to upgrade WINDOWS 98 to last version.