I just picked up a two year old Tajima Neo Plus embroidery machine last night and have been trying to get it up and running today. It was demoed last night and seemed to be working well. Today when I try to embroider a design it keeps stopping with an error code 293. This indicates "Under thread breakage is detected" and suggests I check the bobbin thread. I have checked it and it appears to be in good shape. In fact, if I clear the error message and hit the start button again it carries on with no issues .... until it stops again with an error code 293. Sometimes it will run for 2-3 minutes before the error code pops up. Other times only 10 or 20 seconds. Each times I clear the message and it continues but of course this is taking much longer to do the design than it should.
I must confess that this is my first embroidery machine so I have no previous experience with these machines. Any advice would be appreciated!
Re: HELP with new Tajima Neo Plus Machine - Error Code 293
I am having the same issue with a refurb Tajima. I have tried doing what you told the later person and not having success...... Anything else may be the issue? Thanks in advance!!
Re: HELP with new Tajima Neo Plus Machine - Error Code 293
Make sure that your bobbin is in the case the proper direction, when you look at the back of the bobbin case be sure that the bobbin rotates clockwise, thread the bobbin and insure that the thread goes through the pigtail on the bobbin case. Also, clean out the area under the needle plate with compressed air. I would also set your thread detection settings to (upper 2)(under 4) & (under Step Ratio 70). You will find this under F2.
Re: HELP with new Tajima Neo Plus Machine - Error Code 293
Thanks for the help! Your suggestions resolved my problems. I just ran off a 32K stitch file with only one stop (bobbin thread ran out)!
Re: HELP with new Tajima Neo Plus Machine - Error Code 293
Great to know your issue was resolved. Automated Machines sometimes get on your nerves when they don't work for a very small imbalanced part. ;)
In love with digital stitching....:)