By buck4368 on
Sep. 22, 2018
Clinton, MS
United States
Default Hix Conveyor dryer NP-2410
State/Province: Mississippi
City: Clinton
Used Hix conveyor dryer. Model NP-2410, 240V, 24" belt, 10' long, 32" wide, We use this dryer daily. Dryer works excellent, it is just too small to keep up with the auto and our expanding business. Just purchased a much larger heater and don’t have the need for it any longer.
Must pick up.
$1000 firm
There are 3 Comments
Re: Hix 2410 Conveyor Heater
Does this dryer do waterbased ink?
Re: Hix 2410 Conveyor Heater
I’ve never printed water based ink, but as I understand it... YES
Re: Hix 2410 Conveyor Heater
I am interested in the dryer. Still available?