Hoop tech Clamp System (5 complete units)

Atlanta, GA, United States

Very slightly used (could pass as Pass as brand new if I did not tell you) EMS ICTCS-2 for barudan machine with QS type arm

Adapter arms can be changed to fit most all major machines

Window size is 7.5 X 6

I have 5 complete units

Came from a company that closed down there embroidery operations.

This unit sells new for around $435.00 to $470.00

$275.00 each plus shipping

Add 25.00 if you want me to acquire different adapter arms and install them before shipping. You can order yourself from many distributors

Best way to contact me is my direct email. Scott@setsembrepair.com or phone me at 770 330-9869. If you try to reply to this ad there may be delays because I have to sign on to digitsmith in order to receive the message. My email come direct to my phone

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