How to convert 220v to 120v in a tajima

SAN ANTONIO, TX, United States

Hello everybody, i have a tajima tmfxcii1206 and its says 240/120v, how can i move from one to the other, its there any switch or something?

Thanks in advance for your comments

There are 4 Comments

I guess you just need to plug it in to find out. The machine will not be damaged if you plug a 240 to a 120v socket as long as it is not turned on for more than a minute. However, plugging a 120v to a 240v socket will destroy the machine. Here, we plug our embroidery machine to an AVR (automatic voltage regulator) just to be on the safe side. There are 10kva to 50kva ones for big machines.

The voltage that the machine runs on is determined upon how the power input is wired up into the power supply of the machine. Unless you have a 220 plug on the machine I would think that the machine would be setup for 120. Unless you know exactly what you are doing or looking for contact a technician for a proper determination.

take off the back cover of power box.
you will see one free connector.
its an Y cable from CN-3 to CN-2
if you run at 120V you must plug in S-CN2 120v connector.220V connector will be free.
if you run at 220V you must plug in S-CN2 220V connector .120V connector will be free.
its an label on each connector.
you have this information in machine book.if you don t have i can sent to you