How to print on glass and PET Jars cosmetics

Hi There, I have been researching the best way to print on a cylinder object like a Cosmetic jar. It has become a bit complex since Pad printing has a limited area that you can print on and most of the Manual Pad printer only can print one color. Silkscreen rotatory printing is one way (I subcontracted the work and it was ok). Is there another way/Techniques to print on a cylindrical object ?

Anyone had an experience to share ?

For Glass many do waterslide decals that are then kiln-fired on. Rotary silkscreening is another good option. if you are doing more than 2-3 colours, you're better off with waterslide though.

It's not something to dabble in though, you really need to invest heavily in equipment to make it cost effective.

Pad printing is great for 1-2 colour if you only need 20% wrap or less printsize, but you'd need semi-auto/pnuematic, manual padprinters are for kitchen table dabbling and then for sale used at 10% of the price of new for someeone else to play with in their garage, and then sell, nobody in real printing business would touch a manual, padprinting is tough enough with an auto. think 5-10 times tougher to master than screenprinting

An entry level Single colour automatic roll printer with uv inline dryer is about $35k USD, prints 45 a minute. Water floated transfers are a great option, we get ours printed in china, fly the envelope in, apply and dry.