I found this floating in the clouds.

crazy mike's picture

Mustang Press Jig for Film Positioning Unit


srimonogramming's picture

Actually, Rick Fuqua built one almost identical to that one about 4 years ago. It attached to the left side and folded up for alignment and back under the pallet when not needed.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Printwizard wrote:
just like brandt has blue handles on his shoes....:eek:

Predictable from you, tell us what equipment if any Crazy Mike owns of Roberts.

Please list anything I have said about M&R that isn't 100% true or without merit. Mike repeats whatever he is asked to. I have never been asked to say anything by anyone...except Robert. So I know what kind of conversations Mike is having....

Graphic Disorder

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crazy mike's picture

GraphicDisorder wrote:
Predictable from you, tell us what equipment if any Crazy Mike owns of Roberts.

Please list anything I have said about M&R that isn't 100% true or without merit. Mike repeats whatever he is asked to. I have never been asked to say anything by anyone...except Robert. So I know what kind of conversations Mike is having....

The names on my equipment are...Lawson, Black Body, T-Jet, Tico,
Geo Knight and Richardson.

I have nothing from Rich or Robert. I'm more of a Libertarian, I like to
stir the pot a little to see what crap floats to the top.:D


crazy mike wrote:
The names on my equipment are...Lawson, Black Body, T-Jet, Tico,
Geo Knight and Richardson.

I have nothing from Rich or Robert. I'm more of a Libertarian, I like to
stir the pot a little to see what crap floats to the top.:D

Seriously...that's the equipment you have. No wonder you are called "Crazy Mike"...:cool:

srimonogramming's picture

crazy mike wrote:
The names on my equipment are...Lawson, Black Body, T-Jet, Tico,
Geo Knight and Richardson.

I have nothing from Rich or Robert. I'm more of a Libertarian, I like to
stir the pot a little to see what crap floats to the top.:D

You got a T-Jet? You poor fella. You just keep amazing us.

The Bumper's picture

srimonogramming wrote:
You got a T-Jet? You poor fella. You just keep amazing us.

He got his T-Jet for free when Barnes gave all of Fresners stuff away. remember that? That's exactly when Crazy ol' Mike took those nasty nuts of Barnes and put em in his mouth!

The dood has no life so that's why he is Barnes' little monkey...isn't that right Crazy?

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

crazy mike's picture

The Bumper wrote:
He got his T-Jet for free when Barnes gave all of Fresners stuff away. remember that? That's exactly when Crazy ol' Mike took those nasty nuts of Barnes and put em in his mouth!

The dood has no life so that's why he is Barnes' little monkey...isn't that right Crazy?

Well I've had my T-Jet for 7 Years and It is still working great.

It's not the equipment you have It's knowing how to use your equipment.

And by the way I don't call people names like some do and I have nothing
against Rich and respect what he has accomplished.


GraphicDisorder's picture

crazy mike wrote:
Well I've had my T-Jet for 7 Years and It is still working great.

It's not the equipment you have It's knowing how to use your equipment.

And by the way I don't call people names like some do and I have nothing
against Rich and respect what he has accomplished.

If you are whoring out Roberts info (probably prompted), who has something against Rich and does everything he can to minimize M&R, that really does make it hard for you to stand on that foot....and I think it's safe for us all to call BS.

As far as name calling, today I will probably call someone on TV a point guard, isn't that what he is in basketball? So calling you a pawn should be fair enough considering you often have posted your buddies propaganda for HIS advancement. You understand chess right, if your not a pawn?

Calling you a whore just means you have either traded for or been paid for your services. Robert tells everyone we are all paid by M&R to post. Which is 100% false. So I guess you are a victum of the climate your buddy created.


Graphic Disorder

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Brandt: http://www.facebook.com/graphicdisorder
Graphic Disorder:

crazy mike's picture

GraphicDisorder wrote:
If you are whoring out Roberts info (probably prompted), who has something against Rich and does everything he can to minimize M&R, that really does make it hard for you to stand on that foot....and I think it's safe for us all to call BS.

As far as name calling, today I will probably call someone on TV a point guard, isn't that what he is in basketball? So calling you a pawn should be fair enough considering you often have posted your buddies propaganda for HIS advancement. You understand chess right, if your not a pawn?

Calling you a whore just means you have either traded for or been paid for your services. Robert tells everyone we are all paid by M&R to post. Which is 100% false. So I guess you are a victum of the climate your buddy created.


I don't get paid. I'm sorry you can't believe I'm a lone wolf out here
having some crazy fun.:p


The Bumper wrote:

took those nasty nuts of Barnes and put em in his mouth!

Just maybe "The Bumper" is prison slang for something to do with bumping someone's nasty nuts (might google that tomorrow)

The Bumper's picture

ALEEISS wrote:
Just maybe "The Bumper" is prison slang for something to do with bumping someone's nasty nuts (might google that tomorrow)

Hey Barnes...when googling it, be sure to notice the image of you with a Playtex shoved up your nose and Crazy Mike down on your nuts. Looks like you've maybe been to prison and understand such slang?

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

The Bumper wrote:
Hey Barnes...when googling it, be sure to notice the image of you with a Playtex shoved up your nose and Crazy Mike down on your nuts. Looks like you've maybe been to prison and understand such slang?

He's probably just brushing up in preparation. ;)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

The Bumper's picture

crazy mike wrote:
The names on my equipment are...Lawson, Black Body, T-Jet, Tico,
Geo Knight and Richardson.

I have nothing from Rich or Robert. I'm more of a Libertarian, I like to
stir the pot a little to see what crap floats to the top.:D

Well you got crap in your eyes there champ cause you've had Barnes nuts in your mouth since day one. hahaha

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

Funny 63 is a forum with exactly one person talking to him self no one answers no one else posts lol.

Even better is its full of content from other forums and posters, like all of Alans Videos on his machine hmmmm. Alan you were right he would use your videos to help promote mustang.

As usual Robert has to ride on others coattails to do anything in this industry.

srimonogramming's picture

inkman996 wrote:
Funny 63 is a forum with exactly one person talking to him self no one answers no one else posts lol.

Even better is its full of content from other forums and posters, like all of Alans Videos on his machine hmmmm. Alan you were right he would use your videos to help promote mustang.

As usual Robert has to ride on others coattails to do anything in this industry.

Wow, I just went over there and saw all of those videos I made for the Auto Wars series on TSB. Despite all the negative stuff going on with Robert I've always wanted to maintain a cordial relationship with the guy but he makes it very hard to do that.

I had a video of Rick's pallet jig but I can't find it. It was unlisted on youtube and I had the link to it but I can't find it anywhere now. I think he may have taken it down because it wasn't something that he could have manufactured or marketed because I believe it's going to infringe on the triloc too much, and I think he felt the same way. It was a slick little tool though, he did a great job on it and I wanted one badly. I begged him to build one for me but he didn't want to chance it.

srimonogramming wrote:
Wow, I just went over there and saw all of those videos I made for the Auto Wars series on TSB. Despite all the negative stuff going on with Robert I've always wanted to maintain a cordial relationship with the guy but he makes it very hard to do that.

I had a video of Rick's pallet jig but I can't find it. It was unlisted on youtube and I had the link to it but I can't find it anywhere now. I think he may have taken it down because it wasn't something that he could have manufactured or marketed because I believe it's going to infringe on the triloc too much, and I think he felt the same way. It was a slick little tool though, he did a great job on it and I wanted one badly. I begged him to build one for me but he didn't want to chance it.

Smart move on Rick,s part. Some may not be so intelligent.

And you KNOW he's got some serious site analysis going on over there and monitoring every single hit that he gets.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

srimonogramming's picture

That's almost unbelievable Mike, you are one of the lucky 2% that bought a T-Jet and it actually worked correctly. Has it made you money or done everything that it was supposed to do? How much down time have you experienced and do you print black and dark shirts with it?

crazy mike's picture

srimonogramming wrote:
That's almost unbelievable Mike, you are one of the lucky 2% that bought a T-Jet and it actually worked correctly. Has it made you money or done everything that it was supposed to do? How much down time have you experienced and do you print black and dark shirts with it?

I've had very little down time with it and printed around 70,000 prints with it
and it has done what I thought It would and lasted twice as long as expected.

When I bought it the white wasn't out yet. When white came out Terry Combs
talked me out of it. With screen printing and cutting vinyl I don't need white
and the problems.


srimonogramming's picture

Fum sounds like fun to me. Crazy "Lone Wolf" Mike, you are something else my friend. We should hang out sometime, I'll buy you lunch one of these days when I'm in your neighborhood.

crazy mike's picture

srimonogramming wrote:
Fum sounds like fun to me. Crazy "Lone Wolf" Mike, you are something else my friend. We should hang out sometime, I'll buy you lunch one of these days when I'm in your neighborhood.

Please stop in if you get to the Heartland and if I get to Texas I will drop by.

Indiana and Texas are similar with liberal gun laws and your right to protect
your self.


srimonogramming's picture

crazy mike wrote:
Please stop in if you get to the Heartland and if I get to Texas I will drop by.

Indiana and Texas are similar with liberal gun laws and your right to protect
your self.

Not sure what the gun law comments mean but it's good to know I can carry in Indiana. I hope you don't think you need to protect yourself from me. We may not agree on anything but I sure as hell wouldn't want you to think I'd want to do you harm.