By miguelatlsm on
Oct. 08, 2009
Today i have a problem. i bought a TAJIMA TFMX-C 1501 but the needle No. 1 don't worked, then i reinstall the machine program Ver. 2.00 (the machine had 1.85) but now i can't read my USB in this (is desappear in options the panel). Wath hapend? somebody can help me? i need some extra sofware for this?. PLease i need help because pass the desings trougth 3.5 disck is tortuous.
Re: I have problem with TAJIMA TFMX-C 1501 USB
did you change your dip switches?
Re: I have problem with TAJIMA TFMX-C 1501 USB
No, i have don't change the dip switches, where is it? do you belive the dip switches are the problem?. I don't have the open USB option in the indata menu of LCD panel.