I need HELP! (see pic)

This is about the 4th time this has happened and after ripping out the "d, o, n" I can't get it finished. My machine will start in the right spot, stop, move over, and then start up again in the wrong spot. In other projects I could keep trying and it would all of a sudden sew out right. This time, I've tried and tried and I can't get it to sew out correctly.

I'm using a BabyLock BMP9 6 needle machine.

I've posted in so many groups and nobody ever responds. I do know one other person who is having this same issue on a Janome MB4.

Please, if you've seen this or have heard of anyone having this issue, let me know.

Thank you

I've never used your Brand/Model of machine but will attempt to assist since nobody else has yet to come to your aid.

Have you ever successfully embroidered this same identical design without issue(s) on same machine, using all same variable, in past?

If No....

I'd recommend that you Upload a different design that has embroidered correctly on this same machine in recent the past, and see if you have any issues with another good design.

If the other design sews out without any like issue(s), then I'd assume it's a Corrupt and/or Bad Design file.

If your formerly just fine design file now sews out with same types of issues, I'd be calling a Repair Tech.

Being Sunday, Aid from another Baby-lock owner will be your best bet for help today.

Have you submitting a Help Question on line to the "Embroidery Doc" and/or submitted issue to machine specific Baby-lock Yahoo Group? Hopefully somebody will come to your aid, at least by evening. Many at Church Sunday Mornings then Lunch out, shopping, etc.

In the mean-time....

Do you have digitizing software?

If yes, perform an extremely SLOW-REDRAW of this bad design stitch file on line.

Do you see any abnormal Jump Stitches, Property Settings Commands /Stops?

Does a slow redraw duplicate issue on your computer monitor, Stops Moves Over and Starts Up Again? Can you see that happening in a slow redraw?

Wish I could help you out, but with exception of taking a look at the actual digitizing file to see if it's the issue, I have no clue, never used your Model before.

Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery from this Issue.

I don't use Face Book or Twitter, but know many do, perhaps there is a Baby-lock group out there you can contact as well.

TheGrlNxtDoor wrote:
This is about the 4th time this has happened and after ripping out the "d, o, n" I can't get it finished. My machine will start in the right spot, stop, move over, and then start up again in the wrong spot. In other projects I could keep trying and it would all of a sudden sew out right. This time, I've tried and tried and I can't get it to sew out correctly.

I'm using a BabyLock BMP9 6 needle machine.

I've posted in so many groups and nobody ever responds. I do know one other person who is having this same issue on a Janome MB4.

Please, if you've seen this or have heard of anyone having this issue, let me know.

Thank you

Is it possible that Hooped Garment maybe getting caught underneath, causing pantograph interference, off setting design alignment?
Were you near machine as design sewed out?
If yes, did you here any unusual noise?

Just happen to think, maybe issue is a simple fix?

Did your garment get caught underneath during sew out?
Did you have a Pop-Up/Over, etc. if garment caught underneath on something it could cause design off set.

Did hoop garment pop out of arms, or bounce, move unexpectedly, make any noise during sew out?

So, the next morning after I posted in a few groups and got no answers...I went to my machine, turned it on, brought up the design and got to the point where it had stopped and moved over. I hit the start button and the dang design sewed out ABSOLUTELY FINE! It was just a font I purchased and had used many times before. I hadn't changed anything on it. It was downloaded in .pes format. I'm starting to believe that it's just a corrupt area on my thumb drive but unsure as to why it would all of a sudden sew out correctly after so many tries and having it move over.

That's Awesome, no costly machine repair required:-)

Since alignment wasn't an issue next day, assume your Pantograph Sash was accidentally moved out of alignment manually and attempts to realign went wack, Me Badd stuff.

That can happen when:
A Garment gets caught underneath during sew out.
Pantograph Sash bumped/moved when hooped garment is removed from Arms
A Third Party manually moves it without your knowledge.
Hooped Garment moved / slipped inside the hoop.
A Incorrect Direction Arrow Key was pressed on Control Panel with attempts to re-align or traveling through design.

Always doing a Trace (Frame Check) of design with garment hooped and mounted on arms before you press Start.

Good Habit:
Wave your Arms Under Hooped Mounted Garment(s) to ensure garment won't get caught on anything during sew out.
And......then Do a Frame Check.

Seconds spent to prevent are price-less, lessen cost of learning curve.

Best Wishes for swift learning curve and Happy Embroidering!!!