I need some advice.Totally new to embroidery

United States


I am trying to buy a new embroidery machine and I was wondering.If brother 620 is good idea to purchase!!price cameout about $9400 incl.tax(training too)
incl. stand,capframe set and cylinder frame set and maybe with software(pe7design)..
Is this good deal or what? Do you recommand diffrent machine?

please help me..It's my first time investment ..

thank you for your concern...

There are 12 Comments

I have a brother home machine right now but I'm looking for a brother pr 600 or pr620.
I love my brother machine and most of the people that I've talked to that own one love them.

The quotes I've received so far for a 620 are $7999 and that included the machine, stand, cap frame and training. And thats before tax and the rebate. No software nor cylinder frame. The software would be $799 extra and the Cylinder frame would be an additional $1599. for a total of $10,397. I think Brother has a rebate right now if you get the cylinder frame when you purchase the 620. You get $300 and then another for purchasing the machine itself for $200. That would make it $9897.

Then another sewing center quoted me $8078 for the machine, cap frame, stand, traning and PE design. Then take the rebate of $200. and that would be $7887 before tax. Now thats with out the cylinder frame.

Hope this helps.

djhani wrote:

I am trying to buy a new embroidery machine and I was wondering.If brother 620 is good idea to purchase!!price cameout about $9400 incl.tax(training too)
incl. stand,capframe set and cylinder frame set and maybe with software(pe7design)..
Is this good deal or what? Do you recommand diffrent machine?

please help me..It's my first time investment ..

thank you for your concern...

a brand new pr620 with four hoops/a complete tutorial how to operate and set up a business and a brand new software pe design 7.0


djhani wrote:

I am trying to buy a new embroidery machine and I was wondering.If brother 620 is good idea to purchase!!price cameout about $9400 incl.tax(training too)
incl. stand,capframe set and cylinder frame set and maybe with software(pe7design)..
Is this good deal or what? Do you recommand diffrent machine?

please help me..It's my first time investment ..

thank you for your concern...

It is very good and easy to use my wife and i have one and started a small biz .In fact she is doing it full time now .with in one month she was able to quit she job .the only thing is you want the hat hoop we did not buy it right away within a week we went back and got it .The cylinder is not much good I would skip it also you need to look around the price you have is to high we paid about 7000. 00 with the hat hoop.

Good Luck and have fun

If you are totally new to embroidery, I suggest you get a one needle sewing/embroidery machine to start. The Brother 4500 is a nice machine, but there are smaller field, cheaper machines for around $1000. Embroidery isn't just put the fabric on the machine and let it go. There is a learning curve for threads, stabilizers, materials etc. It also takes up a lot of time. What do you want to do with the machine? This is important. If it is just hats, then you can get a better deal on a used machine. If it is jacket backs or quilts, most of those take a field of atleast 12 x12 inches. The Brother 600's have a field of 12 x 9 inches (the last time I checked). The size of the field determines how many times you need to rehoop to embroider the designs. There's advantage to getting training on the machine, but you can go to most embroidery/sewing machine centers and they have classes on embroidery, software etc. I'd check out these classes and even sit in on a few before buying a machine.

If you are looking for finance options I can help. I do financing for Start-Ups. give me a call. You can find my posts in here. I have help several people off this messageboard.

Tagen Jury
Ridgeline Capital Partners

djhani wrote:

I am trying to buy a new embroidery machine and I was wondering.If brother 620 is good idea to purchase!!price cameout about $9400 incl.tax(training too)
incl. stand,capframe set and cylinder frame set and maybe with software(pe7design)..
Is this good deal or what? Do you recommand diffrent machine?

please help me..It's my first time investment ..

thank you for your concern...

i have abrand new pr620 for $5500

For those prices you might as well look into commercial and get a 12 or 15 needle machine with bigger sewing field 270 cap frames which allows you to go 7" from center each way. Don't forget about software not all software is created equal there is a big difference between Home vs Commercial software in stitch quality and prices are not really that far off anymore.

Look at the website:ccesd.com
or go to Tajima's website, Happy, SWF, Barudan any of these will get you an idea of pricing also talk to the reps see what they know what do they offer for training

My wife and I purchased a BabyLock EMP 6 needle machine equal to the Brothers PR 600 last year with stand, software, backing tools etc for $6,500 and that included several days, a few hours at a time training, we also have received great support from the dealer. We have purchased two SWFs since, a 6 needle and 15 needle, both work horses, and at times we have all three machines running. It is a good business to start at home, but you really have to have the desire and want to work hard. We are also doing heat transfers now, and still work full time jobs. We hope to retire next year and do the embroidery work and transfer for extra money. Good luck and any questions we can answer please feel free to contact me. If you are close to eastern NC let me know and I will give you our dealer's contact information.