My husband bought a 4/2 silk screen press about two years ago. He has done some very small jobs for co workers and friends and a few large jobs 100 to 1500 for a church. He was down sized from his job and now we are rethinking our options.
We figured we would try stepping up the t-shirt print using a four color process. So we have just bought a 6/4 press with micro adjustment, a blackmax printer for film, a heat press, and a sublimation printer. Then we fould a store front, 1500sq ft. It is around the corner from a main road in town, but not on a through road. The rent is about half of all other spaces the same size around town ($750 per month). It has a clean black black top, large parking lot, clean store fronts in the strip and we do face the road.
Now the "am I crazy part". We said hey lets just open a store front and forego working out of our house. We have no clients but do have experience silk screening and my husband went to school for graphic art and uses Corel Draw (but has not worked as a graphic artist since graduating. But he did design the images he has printed so far. We have enough money to hold us for 2.5 months after we pay for opening up. After that nothing.
Our reasoning is that we will get more business if we have a store front. And of course more space. Plus the rent being 1/2 of all other spaces and if we don't leap now then when.
So, "Am I crazy?"
I would love to hear how you started out and when you made the jump from home to retail or if you started out retail.
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
The first thing I would say is "Good Luck". I have been in business for over 25 years and I have seen a lot of businesses come and go, both screenprinters and others. Two common denominators always seem to cause them to fail....under capitalization in the beginning and a misunderstanding of the marketplace. I have seen so many people with a "I can make that" attitude start a business. Just because you can make something does not mean you can market something. Merely opening a storefront will not automatically bring you customers, you have to find them and give them a reason to buy from you. You say you have no customers and enough money to last 2 months...sounds like a very ominous combination. If I were to give you advice, I would say get some customers, THEN open a store front. Again, good luck.
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
My bosses bought this business beause they "wanted to be creative"
Well it has been almost two years (I have been with them 1 1/2) It has been a struggle and we still are really merely breaking even. We have learned a lot as we have gone along. My biggest thing is - you HAVE to have customers!! Otherwise that 2 months is going to fly by and your going to wonder what the heck do we do now??
Don't try to do too big of a job of something you haven't done before and don't bite yourself in the *** by making the deal so good you don't even break even! Go to those customers you have had in the past and let them know your plans... talk to ppl, and if you have room to work out of your home... I would! Give it a good 6 months and if you are staying busy, or even steady with work; THEN think about opening a store front.
Good Luck to you and God Bless!
Laurie :)
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
You'd better go out to all the taverns, schools, and other businesses and let them know you are in the business. Work out of your home until it gets too busy to do so. The way the economy is now, screen printing is on the way side for now.
I'm not going to call you crazy. Just use your best judgment and keep from going over your head.
J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
N.W. Awards
185 N.W. Chehalis, AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
your nuttier than a squirl turd! just kidding. If I were you in these times start out of the house minimize your overhead. times are tough. a storefront is an anchor that keeps you from geting new customers. Hit the streets hit them hard and keep it small for now you can get a storefront later after you get eanuf customers
Mark Pflueger
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
I Am A Home Based Business And I Have Always Thought About Getting A Storefront But The Biggest Thing That Always Keeps Me Grounded Is The Overhead And The Constant Financial Woes Of Paying The Utilities And Rent Just To Stay Open. I Have Not Leaped Into The Storefront Just Because Of That. I Would Say If One Of You Can Become The Marketing Person And Meet Everyone And Get Some Samples And Pricing Going, Maybe Do Some Specials Or Something. Get Them Interested And Excited About What You Are Now Going To Offer. If At Least One Of You Is Out There Doing That, The Other Can Be At The Storefront To Be There For The Customers. Get Involved In Local Organizations That Businesses Belong To And Network. Good Luck. I Am So Scared About Making That Leap But Now That You've Done It, Just Work It Out, Hard.
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
Honestly, what you're doing is great.
Screen printing CAN be stressful at times, perhaps every printer on this website knows that; customers could be heard to deal with. My word of advise is never back out of it if you're already in it.
I started out working out of my parents basement when i was 15. 100% of my work came from touring bands via internet. As i worked up more money over the years I upgraded my equipment drastically and stepped my game up a little more. When i graduated high school i moved from my parents basement to a store front with my 2 employees. The rest is history!
Good luck with everything, work hard!
Update when you get everything going, i'd love to hear how this is all working out for you!
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
It's a good time to buy equipment.
Re: I need someone to tell me if I am crazy
your crazy! Use your house until you establish a client base that will at the very minimum pay for the operation of the company then look at getting a store front. Screen Printing is a tough business and there is tons of competition out there for it so margins are fairly small in comparison to other things you can do. Also look at opening a store on Ebay and offer packages of 20 4 color shirts and free shipping stuff like that will help you grow. Also If you would like to send us some pricing maybe we can send you some orders as we have clients all the time looking for SS products.