Inbro RS-232 port to USB?

Does anyone know if it is possible to connect a RS-232 USB adapter to the machine and pull designs from a USB stick rather than the floppy drive? I am sick of the floppy drive and not paying someone a chunk of money for a floppy converter made for an embroidery machine.

AJST's picture

I have done a little research on converting a floppy drive driven machine to USB. I am pretty sure you will need a Floppy Drive Emmulator to read the thumbdrive. You cannot just connect a usb to the serial port and have the machhine read it.

As far as I know Inbro uses a normally formatted floppy disk so you shouldn't need any special programming to format the disk. If it is a real old machine you may need to brush up on formatting a 720 kb sssd disk.

I hope this helps. I would like to know if you are abe to find a definate answer.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician