Iso: Trade auto for 8 color manual

varsityink's picture
Statesboro, GA, United States

Looking to trade our 6 color, 8 station American Automatic Press for an 8/8 color manual preferably M&R Chameleon or Anatol. 4 heads are working perfectly fine, the other 2 have been used for parts, but this machine can't function properly or be setup in my opinion with all 6 heads in anways. This machine is ALL electric which is great for a beginner in the auto world. No air compressor, no chiller/dryer. Just hard wire it in and go. Send me a message. We need to do this like yesterday!~

Varsity Ink
serving the Statesboro, Milledgeville, and Savannah, GA areas t-shirt and promotional items needs

"Passionate about Printing"

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