By sourcescreen on
Oct. 23, 2023
2012 Amscomatic K840 Folder with Speed Eye and Split belt
In great condition. Can spin the dials to adjust the plate levels for different size folds.
Everything works great.
Located in Toronto Canada
$8000 USD
Please e-mail or call 647 349 319 nine
There are 2 Comments
Re: K 840 Folder
Hi, does this fold longsleeves and hoodies? If not, is there an available attachment that allows you to do those types of garments? Any idea what that might cost to add on?
Re: K 840 Folder
Hi Jeff,
We've folded long sleeves through it but the fold is not perfect and you need to tuck the sleeves in after.
I've never ran hoodies through the machine so can't say
They do sell an attachment for long sleeves its the LS300 but you would have to ask M&R dealer for pricing.