Layout Suggestion

Does anyone have any other suggestions on how I could do my layout? My biggest concern is whether or not to put the Sprint or the Airjet first to maximize our capacity, since I'll be almost butting up the dryers such that one conveyer belt will pick up where the other one ends. Any suggestions on re-arranging it and which do you put first in your shop as far as dryers go?

Thanks for any input.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:

Musterdbom: And they say our society isn't over-saturated with sexual content that is actually starving them of their desire for real intimacy. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis, who was always brimming with common sense, "You can get a large audience together for a strip-tease act -- that is, to watch a girl undress on the stage. Now suppose you come to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate on to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let every one see, just before the lights went out, that it contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? ... One critic said that if he found a country in which such strip-tease acts with food were popular, he would conclude that the people of that country were starving. He meant, of course, to imply that such things as the strip-tease act resulted not from sexual corruption but from sexual starvation" (Mere Christianity, 96).

CS Lewis died before the internet was saturated with pornography. It's a joke. A d!ck joke! The best kind! :D

Oh dear. What you have mistakenly presupposed is that a d!ck is a sexual reference because it is a d!ck.

A joke can't be complete unless the audience is willing to laugh. And for that, I apologize. I could re-arrange the layout in a more theologically aligned manner, but I fear even that would be ill-received as I have been branded a sex fiend.

I would move that ping pong table more to the right, away from the presses. Dryer blowers, press rotation, and the heat from the flashes can send the ping pong ball into an unexpected paths, making it very hard to play. Other wise it looks good.


Lewis' quote neither presupposes nor requires the internet's existence to make said quote, much less its saturation with anything.


And this would only further illustrate and reinforce Lewis' statement, no? But, I'm sure it's just a joke about joking, since sex jokes are a joke insofar as a real attempt at joking is made - all joking aside.

So, I guess, thanks for the un-joke then?

Till We Have Faces,
Pax Christi

After looking at your layout, one could deduct that it takes the accumulation of two M&R Challenger III presses and two MHM 4000 presses to produce the equivalent of one Mustang :o

Really funny stuff :)

PingPongPrince wrote:
After looking at your layout, one could deduct that it takes the accumulation of two M&R Challenger III presses and two MHM 4000 presses to produce the equivalent of one Mustang :o

Really funny stuff :)

They ordered Two Mhms, got um!
They ordered Two M&Rs,got um!
They ordered Two Mustangs,only one came.
End of story!

Based on musterdbom's new layout one could conclude that if you put a Mustang in your shop then the others will circle around in attempt to block Mustang's ability to make money :o

How does that saying go about art imitating life on Digitsmith :confused:

I personally believe with that many autos you will be making a fortune, but that factory didn't indicate many doors in which case it will be a very hot environment, so I think you should fit some poles in for the girls to dance around naked and cool off in their breaks. You are also missing a beer fridge and we all know you can't keep good staff without the essentials.


Has it really come to this? We don't know the purpose for which our genitals have been created anymore? You're right... I must've had a mental lapse for a moment -- forgot we were in the "enlightened" 21st century that only knows more and more about less and less.

You are correct that not every reference to what you are referring to as a "d!ck" has a sexual implication, but you're as naive and as incorrect as a buyer of a RWB press if when used as or in a joke it lacks any sexual referent in 21st century western "civilization." So, I correctly presupposed the humor which requires the "d!ck" reference to even be a joke - it needs to have some sexual connotation to it -- why don't we see any jokes about elbows or ear lobes...hmmm..... Didn't see any comedic portraits of those body parts ... why not? It's not funny? Probably not, but, again, only illustrates Lewis' point since that's the first thing one would post as a re-arrangement of my shop.


Who said I didn't laugh?


What does this mean?

<<, but I fear even that would be ill-received as I have been branded a sex fiend.>>
Care to elaborate?

Pax Christi.

What do you mean this doesn't make sense -- you don't do this in your shop?

How do you arrange your 5 autos? I'm certainly open to suggestions.

Well if the two Challengers were sold by Barnes they won't get serviced and are to become ink shelves and storage. The Mustang and MHMs will get serviced, giving only 3/5 effective running machines, in which case they could be dumped to make way for a pool table and beer fridge.

Arttex: Thanks for your suggestion. That was on my mind as a serious consideration too but thought the order of the dryers was a bit more of an important consideration. Will keep that in mind to make sure we don't get ping pong balls in any ink. That would be onerous to remove.

PingPongPrince: Nice alliteration, but you couldn't deduce that. For, deduction goes from general principles to particular applications. You could only induct that, going from a particular application -- my layout -- and it possibly demonstrating a general principle. But I don't know if there's enough evidence to make that case -- I'd have to see a P24 Mustang in action first.

Musterdbom: And they say our society isn't over-saturated with sexual content that is actually starving them of their desire for real intimacy. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis, who was always brimming with common sense, "You can get a large audience together for a strip-tease act -- that is, to watch a girl undress on the stage. Now suppose you come to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate on to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let every one see, just before the lights went out, that it contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? ... One critic said that if he found a country in which such strip-tease acts with food were popular, he would conclude that the people of that country were starving. He meant, of course, to imply that such things as the strip-tease act resulted not from sexual corruption but from sexual starvation" (Mere Christianity, 96).

Californiadreamin: Same inductive problem as with PingPongPrince, but it did make me laugh, to be sure. But, rest assured, I would only order one Mustang, at least to start, as I would the others.

Printwizard: I don't understand what good polish people in our office would do in order to have girls dance around them (also, see comment above for musterdbom). Poles make good presses, so I hear, and admirable popes (e.g., Blessed Pope John Paul II), but I don't know what they have to do with women dancing around them. Moreover, we have the best beer in the world in Louisiana - Abita. Though, I am more of an infrequent wine drinker myself.

Hope you guys spent more time commemorating Our Lord's passion and death today than time spent on Digitsmith.

Pax Christi.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
What do you mean this doesn't make sense -- you don't do this in your shop?

How do you arrange your 5 autos? I'm certainly open to suggestions.

First...what size are these two dryers and what are the model numbers.

Excellent points printwizard, but I'd never trade the ping pong table for a pool table :).

No one important: they are big dryers; I only give serial #s if I'm selling :). Though the mustang hasn't arrived yet, just having to do with the other equipment :).

I was just trying to lighten the mood with the initial post. So much attacking going both ways, I was just trying to show that blue presses across the brands can in fact get along... At least on "paper" :).

Pax Christi.

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
Excellent points printwizard, but I'd never trade the ping pong table for a pool table :).

No one important: they are big dryers; I only give serial #s if I'm selling :). Though the mustang hasn't arrived yet, just having to do with the other equipment :).

I was just trying to lighten the mood with the initial post. So much attacking going both ways, I was just trying to show that blue presses across the brands can in fact get along... At least on "paper" :).

Pax Christi.

Didn't want the seriel numbers...just the model of the dryers. So is your post for real or really want to put those dryers end to end?

srimonogramming's picture

I thought the 5 autos on one belt was a very wild hypothetical scenario and didn't really take the question seriously. My bad, I would have replied had I known it was for real. That arrangement would not be very easy to work in and around in my opinion. I'm sure there are dryers running with 5 autos but they have 16' infeeds and outfeeds with heat chambers around 20' or more so the belt can run at 40-50 feet per minute. No way I'd run those dryers back to back like that, but I've also never thought about that arrangement nor ever seen it so maybe it would work. I'd be more apt to buy 4 of those presses but make them all the same and not have three different manufacturers present in the shop, that could be a mess when it comes to pre-press and regi system variables and processes. Unless you were doing a big side by side comparison for the entire industry to witness and take part in then I'd stick with either 4 RPM's, 4 CH 3's, or 4 MHM's. I would be willing to bet that 4 of the same auto could produce more than 5 from three different manufacturers, but if you've got a super badass crew you could pull it off. Those don't grow on trees though. 4 autos running on 2 60" belt width dryers, 12-16' heat chambers with 8' in/outfeeds, presses on each side of the dryer would be killer and you could crank out 16-20k pieces on a single shift on a good day and more on a really good day if you had those kinds of jobs.

I'm not on my computer to where I could show how I would lay it out, maybe tomorrow morning if I make it to work.

Printwizard wrote:
Well if the two Challengers were sold by Barnes they won't get serviced and are to become ink shelves and storage. The Mustang and MHMs will get serviced, giving only 3/5 effective running machines, in which case they could be dumped to make way for a pool table and beer fridge.

*tisk tisk* PW... I thought you didn't play these games. You say that the Barnes trash drags down the discussions but here you are doing just that.

For shame.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:
*tisk tisk* PW... I thought you didn't play these games. You say that the Barnes trash drags down the discussions but here you are doing just that.

For shame.

I didn't think this was serious, was just having fun. Alan's points were on the money, we're it real scenario.

PS, very glad of the clean up. Is there any such thing as a cyber-restraining order?

Prosperi-Tees's picture

There is no way that would work with those massive presses unless the dryers had super long infeeds, otherwise you would have unloaders bumping into each other.

No one important and Alan: It was just a hypothetical post for kicks - I figured it would have been grossly obvious given the suggested setup and mix of brands. As I mentioned, with so much hostility in the threads these days, I thought something a bit lighter would contribute, however minimally, to cooling things off.

Pax Christi.

Printwizard wrote:
I didn't think this was serious, was just having fun. Alan's points were on the money, we're it real scenario.

PS, very glad of the clean up. Is there any such thing as a cyber-restraining order?

Well, what made it seem that way?

Probably the Barnes post of "taking 2 CH III's and 2 MHM's to keep up with 1 mustang" comment?

Kind of like when The Bumper steps in and gives him a dose of his own. Tada!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

CustomizedPrintables wrote:
No one important and Alan: It was just a hypothetical post for kicks - I figured it would have been grossly obvious given the suggested setup and mix of brands. As I mentioned, with so much hostility in the threads these days, I thought something a bit lighter would contribute, however minimally, to cooling things off.

Pax Christi.

Really?! Seemed more like Barnes laden drivel setup stuff. But hey, who am I to say what you intended.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Alan has a point, 4 RPM Mustang presses would out produce any of the other combos :p

As for Printwizard and Gilligan starting up again with the nonsense, well let's all try to be better to each other and see how it goes :rolleyes:

We should discuss things like Alan's pre regi idea, that on press jig the Mustang has looks interesting to say the least :cool:

Hey Catholic Boys, fill us in, when are you supposed to receive your new Mustang :confused:

Sore Heel wrote:
Alan has a point, 4 RPM Mustang presses would out produce any of the other combos :p

As for Printwizard and Gilligan starting up again with the nonsense, well let's all try to be better to each other and see how it goes :rolleyes:

We should discuss things like Alan's pre regi idea, that on press jig the Mustang has looks interesting to say the least :cool:

Hey Catholic Boys, fill us in, when are you supposed to receive your new Mustang :confused:

Robert go to hell, you know damn well Alan did not say 4 Mustangs would produce more than another press, he said 4 of the same manufacturers would produce more than a mix.

Go back to your rock Robert people are tired of you and being ripped off.

inkman996 wrote:
Robert go to hell, you know damn well Alan did not say 4 Mustangs would produce more than another press, he said 4 of the same manufacturers would produce more than a mix.

Go back to your rock Robert people are tired of you and being ripped off.

Inkman, why are you so angry all the time? relax brother, life is short :p

Sore Heel wrote:
Alan has a point, 4 RPM Mustang presses would out produce any of the other combos :p

As for Printwizard and Gilligan starting up again with the nonsense, well let's all try to be better to each other and see how it goes :rolleyes:

We should discuss things like Alan's pre regi idea, that on press jig the Mustang has looks interesting to say the least :cool:

Hey Catholic Boys, fill us in, when are you supposed to receive your new Mustang :confused:

Another Barnes alias! Buyers beware!

Hey Musterdbom, is that a WarHorseBird Thingy? Maybe it's half Progressive Falcon half Mustang :o

244 wrote:
Another Barnes alias! Buyers beware!

Hey 244, let's all try and move away from HATE and onto something good like discussing real issues about machine functions and how those features will benefit screen printers

btw are things so slow over there that you are over on this website trolling for potential sales in the discussion section of a used classified message board :confused:

Barnes is just a washed up, bankrupt, used car salesman, right? Why waste your time on a loser like him :rolleyes:

Why do you continue to create more and more aliases?

That just doesn't seem very reputable.

Can you at least answer that?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:
Why do you continue to create more and more aliases?

That just doesn't seem very reputable.

Can you at least answer that?

Could you try to not be so negative, enjoy the day :p

Gilligan wrote:
Why do you continue to create more and more aliases?

That just doesn't seem very reputable.

Can you at least answer that?

Answer the question... that isn't negative, it's a question and a factual statement.

Let me relate it to something more appropriate for you... if a restaurant changed it's name every week but had the same owners would you really trust it?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."