Lettering question.

Is there a lettering program out there that allows you to do a script letter font, with no stops or trims until the end of the word?

For example, if i want the word "Basketball" embroidered in athletic script, but want it done in one continuous sewing sequence for all the letters, can it be done?

If so, what is the program that allows this.

This may be a rookie question, but, I'm a rookie.


United States

you can do this also using the machine settings.
you must put jump to trim or jump conversion(for tajima machine) parameter to 0.
the machine will trim only for color change and end of design

Yes it can be done. Most script programs will do it in one continuous sequence. I can do it for you since I have that font. There will be no charge should you want it done. The only problem I see, is various programs might have atheletic script in different styles. Just pm me . I can email it in dst format.