Looking For Auto Press

United States

If you have a auto press for sale, email me and tell me what you have. We are looking for a auto press and all emails will be considered.....
We are growing fast and we need more equipment.....
You can also call...985-868-0014

There are 4 Comments

call Paul, at EC Sportswear ... we are going out of business and have good quality used equipment! 1-800-626-5459 Florida

have, 14 color,16 station 2000 M&R terminator for more information please email me. 8 color 10 station javaline with compresure,chiller comes package deal.

I have a 4 station one color
24 inch 8 foot long ele. dryer
exposer unit
25 screens
and will add some ink for you to get started.
all this for $1750.00

I also have a:
6/8 auto press
48 inch 14 foot long dryer
exposere unit
100 screens
and again the ink.
sell for $29,500

12 head happy emb.
6 head ultramatic
4 head ultramatic
1 head ultramatic

call or email me