By tharris52 on
Mar. 11, 2011
United States
I currently have a 24 and a 26 wide dryer and would like to move into at least a 36 wide dryer. I now have plenty of space in the shop. Anyone with anything that is a godo price near Jacksonville, FL please let me know what you have.
If you would like to do a trade I have the following:
2411 Harco Dryer
2608 Workhorse Quartz dryer
4 color 4 station Workhorse Odysessy Press
4 color 3 station Rototex Press
Vastex Econoflash
Call me at 863-521-7964
Todd Harris
Last Adam Wear
There are 2 Comments
Re: Looking to buy a wider dryer
How much for the:
2411 Harco Dryer
2608 Workhorse Quartz dryer
Vastex Econoflash.
Re: Looking to buy a wider dryer
Harco 2411 asking 1250
Workhorse asking 2200
vastex flash asking 250
Rototex 4/3 asking 750
Workhorse 4/4 asking 750
Todd Harris
Last Adam Wear