looking for a GOOD press tech

can anyone point me in the right direction. I just bought 2 autos both used. 94 Gauntlet and 95 mhm sinchroprint. I maintain my own machines but these are a different breed and I would prefer that somebody else get them set up and even train me and my staff on how to run and maintain these things. Right now I am considering bringing out the press dr but he looks like he is a month or so out. I have a brand new dryer coming the first week of feb. so I was hoping to get these presses running around that time. Thanks in advance

Printficient wrote:
Winston Strickland

Winston is a great guy for sure ... I also touched base with one of my friends in Austria that was the service manager for MHM during the SynchroPrint 2000, 3000, and 4000 days ... he let me know that he could service the SynchroPrint 2000 models ... However he couldn't offer a warranty on it because of the known issues with the overall machines design ... if the machine has problems ... He may need to change a few parts to fix it ... let me know if you would like me to get him involved ... perhaps it would be less expensive to bring Winston in -and- have my guy in Austria provide support via video Skype conference <--- we do the video Skype thingy all the time ... it really is an incredible tool for WorldWide Service ... been contemplating the idea of incorporating it into the Mustang control system :-)

Here is a link from my blog on a recent visit to Austria ...

SHC - Austria ...