Looking for a good used machine

Whitby, ON, Canada

Hello everybody.....
First and foremost I like to say that these forums are doing an incredible job of informing us noobs in mere minutes .....that would otherwise take months to learn.
I'm new to the embroidery business , I'm looking for a used embroidery machine, single head, 12 or 15 needles with a budget of about 5000.

I have tried looking in my local classified ads, but it seems that everyone thinks that their machine is "special"... and that gives them the right to overcharge.....sometimes twice of what their machine is worth.

More then likely I will end up buying a machine from the US ...hence my one and only criteria, the seller must be willing to ship to Canada.

Thank you for any replies, comments, and advice....all is welcome!!!!!

Lou T.
Whitby On.

There are 3 Comments

lou, im in calgary my company name is ONET technical,we are an embroidery machine sales and service business, i have a number of machines on here that may work for you
i have a swf 6 colour $4500, swf 12 colour $5500, both running well on month to month lease in calgary and I can have either one of them shipped to you.
shipping is $200 from here .
403 6192107

6 colour video
embroidery machine for sale - YouTube

12 colour


i live in the middle of maine you would have to come here and purchase look on youtube for the video of the inbro 1201 single head machine i bought it 4 12k and want to sell it for 7k and i never used it once call me at 207-234-2966